
Top oil lobby to throw muscle into 2014 races

A top oil lobby is throwing its political muscle into the 2014 election cycle, but just how much they won’t say.

{mosads}The American Petroleum Institute announced the launch of a campaign dubbed, “America’s Energy, America’s Choice” on Tuesday at a Washington, D.C. luncheon with analysts, lobbyists, and industry officials.

“In exactly ten months, our nation will be asked, once again, to decide who will represent us in Washington, D.C., and in state and local governments, ” said Jack Gerard, CEO of the American Petroleum Institute.

“The collective decisions of the 2014 voters will shape whether and the extent to which our nation fulfills its potential as energy superpower.”

Gerard added that energy policy decisions made this year are the most crucial in the 21st Century. Green groups have touted the importance of the 2014 cycle since late 2013 and plan on branching out in races more than ever before. The oil lobby would present a definite contrast to green group interests.

“We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to reshape, realign and reorder the world’s energy market and improve domestic prosperity to an unprecedented degree,” Gerard said.

Gerard wouldn’t go into details on how much the oil lobby would spend during the 2014 election cycle or specific states and races they deemed significant.

“Every issue is important to us,” Gerard said. “Our goal is to ensure that as our elected representatives and appointed officials make energy policy, the will of the American people is uppermost in their minds and the dominant voice in the energy public policy discussion,” he said.

The oil lobby represents over 580 companies stretched across the oil and gas industry in exploration, production, refining, and more.