Energy & Environment

Jane Fonda: Biden hasn’t done ‘enough’ on oil pipelines

Actress and environmental activist Jane Fonda said Tuesday that President Biden has not done “enough” about the oil pipelines crisis. 

During an appearance on CNN’s “New Day,” Fonda told host Brianna Keilar that she’s calling on Biden to respond to the current construction of the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline. Fonda cited climate scientists who say fossil fuel emissions have to be cut in half, and have advised against the development of any new fossil fuel projects. 

Fonda did applaud Biden for his stoppage of the Keystone XL pipeline project and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling, but said she still wants his administration to do more.

“We’re very, very grateful for what he’s been doing. He’s done a lot of very good things. But not enough. Not bold enough. And not fast enough. We’re up against time,” Fonda told Keilar. “The scientists say we have less than nine years to cut our emissions in half. Line 3 is going in the absolute opposite direction, and the news every day is telling us, emissions are going up, not down.”

“So we have to put our bodies on the line and do whatever we can to get our administration to call a halt to these permits,” she added.