
Levin calls for passage of Senate’s Russia bill

“I fully support that bill and hope Chairman [Dave] Camp will join me in co-sponsoring an identical House bill and schedule a markup.” 

Unanimous clearance out the Senate panel gave lawmakers and business groups that support the measure a rush of optimism that the bill might actually get through Congress before they leave for a month-long August recess.  

Trade subcommittee ranking member Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) said “we should get Russia PNTR done now, and this bipartisan bill from the Senate Finance Committee is the right approach.”

“It makes progress on longstanding issues with Russia, from the enforcement of intellectual property rights to barriers to Russia’s commitment to participate in the WTO’s Information Technology Agreement,” he continued.

“I urge Chairman Camp to schedule a markup of this bill next week.”

Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) said he is looking carefully at the Senate measure and would introduce a bill within the next few days. 

Russia is slated to join the World Trade Organization next month, and Congress needs to act before then to gain the benefits for U.S. exporters.