OVERNIGHT FINANCE: State of the Union cheat sheet

So, there’s a speech tonight…

TOMORROW STARTS TONIGHT — AT 9 P.M. President Obama heads into tonight’s State of the Union address with a boost in the polls and an improving economy, but now facing a GOP-controlled Congress. He will look to tout the economic recovery, while doubling-down on a progressive economic agenda that has the business community fighting back. His rhetoric and vision will likely lay a foundation for Democrats’ 2016 game plan. And it’ll encourage Republicans to solidify their own message heading into the cycle…

THE HILL’S SOTU CHEAT-SHEET… We’ve got you covered. 

Justin Sink’s Five Things to Watch For in SOTU: http://bit.ly/1yGKawH... 

Subscribe to The Hill’s Twitter SOTU list here: http://bit.ly/1CMaRQ3...

Paris watch: Lawmakers plan tribute to terror victims: http://bit.ly/15548oy...

Injured Harry Reid back at work; but will miss SOTU: http://bit.ly/1uoJjRj... 

McConnell: Public ‘hungry’ for substance in speech: http://bit.ly/1yH2eXG

Members reserve seats for SOTU: http://bit.ly/1DZDoVL

Play The Hill’s BINGO SOTU game: http://bit.ly/1BAC8Ym

THIS IS OVERNIGHT FINANCE, and we’re all set for tonight’s big speech Tweet: @kevcirilli; email: kcirilli@digital-staging.thehill.com; and subscribe: http://digital-staging.thehill.com/signup/48. Back to work…

SIDESHOW – – MICHAEL LEWIS GOES HOLLYWOOD. Erik Holm for WSJ: “‘The Big Short’ is coming to the big screen. Hollywood trade publications say the gears are turning to adapt the Michael Lewis bestseller, which tells the story of investors who got rich by predicting the collapse of the housing market. Brad Pitt is producing the movie, and Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell are supposedly in talks to join him on the cast.” http://on.wsj.com/155fd9e

SMART READ – – OBAMA’S ECONOMIC SOTU TONE SHIFT, via Hamilton Place Strategies, a financial services communications and consulting company: 

“Domestic policy concerns have dominated the State Of The Union under President Obama, but foreign policy has significantly increased since 2009… Among domestic policy issues, the economy has dominated the State Of The Union, although education policy has increased recently… Over time the president has talked about the economy more in terms of wages and inequality, although jobs and workers remains at the top… The president has spent comparatively little time discussing health care, his most notable legislation.” http://bit.ly/1yGXTUg

More SOTU in a second, but first…

{mosads}MITT 3.0 – – CAN HE CONVINCE VOTERS TO FORGET ’47 PERCENT?’ My latest for the hometown paper: “GOP donors and party strategists are skeptical Mitt Romney can repair an image badly damaged by his 2012 comment that 47 percent of voters “are dependent upon government” and will not back Republicans.

Close advisers to the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee say he is already privately telling donors that he’ll be a better candidate in 2016 because of the experience that comes from past mistakes.

They argue Romney realizes ‘he’s going to have to do a better job of articulating who he is and why he’s best positioned to understand and deal with the problems Americans face in this slow recovery,’ according to one adviser.

“The message he is delivering in these meetings is that, if he makes a decision to move ahead, he’s going to be a better candidate because of experience,” the adviser said. ‘Will that suffice to erase the 47 percent comment from people’s memories? Only time can tell.'” Full story: http://bit.ly/1zuVsWj

SOTU: CYBER WATCH, via Cory Bennett: “In events scattered from Monday to Thursday, Obama revealed legislative offerings intended to enable greater cyber threat information sharing between the public and private sector; to protect student data; and to create a federal data breach notification standard and establish nationwide cyber defense standards… Industry groups have long pleaded for liability protections when sharing cyber threat information with the government — which Obama’s proposal would grant — but have occasionally blanched at burdensome breach reporting requirements similar to those Obama wants.” http://bit.ly/1yFo3IO

— Stephen W. Orfei, General Manager, PCI Security Standards Council, tells OVERNIGHT: “Tonight’s speech signals a renewed focus on cybersecurity and kicks off a year that will be the most transformative year in our industry’s history. The President’s new emphasis on cybersecurity issues in this year’s State of the Union – coming after recent high profile attacks and before the U.S. transition toward EMV [card chip] technology later this year – has moved these critical issues front and center on the national stage.”

SOTU: WILL OBAMA BUCK PARTY ON TRADE? Republicans hope so, as Vicki Needham reports: “Senate Republicans urged President Obama to make completion of an ambitious trade agenda the centerpiece of his Tuesday night address to Congress.

“Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) told reporters ahead of the evening’s State of the Union address that there is a great opportunity for Republicans and Democrats to work together to boost exports and open up foreign markets to U.S. goods. 

“Portman urged the president to talk about the economic benefits of trade while pressing his own party to back his agenda, which includes trade promotion authority and the ongoing negotiations with the European Union and 11 other nations ranging from Latin America to the Asia-Pacific region…

“Many Democrats oppose giving the president fast-track, which would allow for Congress to take an up or down vote on the trade deals, because what they say is a lack of transparency on the contents of the trade agreements. 

“A group of House Democrats continue to argue that trade agreements will continue to hurt U.S. workers and lead to even wider income gaps between the middle class and the nation’s biggest earners.” http://bit.ly/15tOuEu

Write us with tips, suggestions and news:  vneedham@digital-staging.thehill.compschroeder@digital-staging.thehill.combbecker@digital-staging.thehill.com; rshabad@digital-staging.thehill.com; kcirilli@digital-staging.thehill.com.

—Follow us on Twitter: @VickofTheHill@PeteSchroeder@BernieBecker3; @RebeccaShabad and @kevcirilli.

Tags Harry Reid Rob Portman

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