TOMORROW STARTS TONIGHT: HOUSE PASSES FAST TRACK. Cristina Marcos and Vicki Needham: “The House on Thursday took the first step toward resuscitating the White House’s trade agenda by passing legislation granting President Obama fast-track authority. The bill now goes to the Senate, where the White House and GOP leaders are seeking to strike a deal with pro-trade Democrats. The House vote was 218-208, with 28 Democrats voting for it.”
{mosads}BUT WHAT WILL SENATORS DO? Cristina and Vicki: “In last week’s vote, the House GOP paired the fast-track bill with a measure known as Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) that gives aid to workers displaced by trade. Both measures needed to be approved in separate votes for the entire package to move forward. …
“The White House still wants both measures to reach Obama’s desk, but is now advancing a different strategy that would see the two bills move separately. The problem lies in the Senate, which previously approved a package that included both bills. If the two move separately, Republicans and the White House will have to convince Senate Democrats to back fast-track on the promise that TAA will move forward at a later time.”
THIS IS OVERNIGHT FINANCE. Tomorrow is Friday. You’ve almost made it. Tweet: @kevcirilli; email:; and subscribe:
DAYS UNTIL EX-IM’s CHARTER EXPIRES: 4. And there’s no good news for the embattled bank: “House GOP leaders plan to effectively let the Export-Import Bank expire by leaving a bill to reauthorize it off the floor schedule next week. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) didn’t mention any Export-Import Bank renewal measure while outlining the legislative schedule for the last week of June, the final chance to act before the bank’s charter expires on June 30.”
— OVERNIGHT FACTS OF LIFE: There’s no chance it’s getting reauthorized next week, according to multiple sources. None. So any reports of a last minute effort to extend bank’s charter next week are premature. Every source working for and against the bank says that its charter will at least temporarily expire.
SPENDING FIGHT. The Hill’s Jordain Carney: ” Senate Democrats on Thursday blocked spending legislation for the Pentagon, part of a broader strategy aimed at forcing Republicans to the table for budget negotiations.”
WISE WORDS: NEIL CAVUTO ON DODD-FRANK’S FIFTH BIRTHDAY… Fox Business Network’s Neil Cavuto with wise words ahead of Dodd-Frank’s fifth birthday: “The next time the financial wheels come off, just know the Federal Reserve’s ready to move in. It’s got a plan… in case we default on our debt. Great. How about a plan to make sure we don’t have to use that plan? How about taking measures to avoid that last measure? How about everyone in Washington work together on a plan that makes sure we never get to the brink? How about a plan to avoid financial Armageddon BEFORE we get there?”
FLASHBACK: Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) on Sen. Elizabeth Warren in 2012: “She’s a Marxist.” Christopher Massie for BuzzFeed revisits:
TALK OF THE TOWN: THE NEW 10. My vote is for Ruby Bridges, using a portrait from her childhood. My story from last night on Treasury’s announcement:
WARREN WATCH: SHE’S PRESSING CUOMO ON LAWSKY’S REPLACEMENT. My story: “Progressives including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) are pressing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to appoint a former top official at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to a top Wall Street regulatory post.
“Fourteen liberal groups — including the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy For America and Credo — called on Cuomo to name Rohit Chopra as the next New York banking and insurance superintendent to replace Ben Lawsky, who is stepping down to start his own technology-based political consulting firm. Warren told The Wall Street Journal earlier this week that Chopra would be ‘phenomenal’ in the post.”
FIRST LOOK: ‘READY FOR WARREN’ TO BECOME ‘READY TO FIGHT,’ via me: “Ready for Warren, the political group that sought to draft Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) into the presidential race, is taking on a new name and mission. The group will dub itself Ready To Fight on Friday and push a liberal economic agenda in the 2016 cycle.”
GOLDMAN: NO RATE HIKE UNTIL DECEMBER. WSJ: “Goldman Sachs Group Inc. says the Fed won’t act until December. The investment bank now sees the Federal Reserve raising interest rates for the first time in nine years at its final meeting of 2015, a revision from its earlier prediction that the long-awaited rate liftoff would come in September.”
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