Business & Economy

On The Money: Senators push for changes as chamber nears vote on $1.9T relief bill | Warren offers bill to create wealth tax

Happy Monday and welcome back to On The Money, which has an even better approval rating than Joe Biden. I’m Sylvan Lane, and here’s your nightly guide to everything affecting your bills, bank account and bottom line.

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THE BIG DEAL—Senate to vote on $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill this week: The Senate will vote this week on a sweeping $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill as Democrats try to get the legislation signed into law before federal unemployment benefits expire.

“The Senate will take up the American Rescue Plan this week. I expect a hardy debate and some late nights, but the American people sent us here with a job to do, to help the country through this moment of extraordinary challenge,” Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said from the Senate floor.

The state of play: 

The Hill’s Jordain Carney brings us up to speed here.

Democrats are trying to pass the bill before expanded unemployment benefits expire on March 14, though a lapse in benefits will still probably happen if they wait that long. But the Senate is mulling changes, which could make that process longer.

What’s on the table: 

Read more: Biden calls for ‘quick action’ in Senate on coronavirus relief package


Warren bill would impose wealth tax on $50M households: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Monday unveiled legislation to create a wealth tax for high-net-worth households, a proposal central to her 2020 presidential campaign.

“A two-cent wealth tax would just help level the playing field a little bit, and create the kind of revenue that would let us build back better, as Joe Biden says,” Warren said during a Monday press conference.

The Hill’s Naomi Jagoda breaks it down here.

The prognosis: While popular among progressives, this bill probably isn’t hitting Biden’s desk, even in a filibuster-less Senate. Biden hasn’t called for a wealth tax, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said last week that such a tax would have “very difficult implementation problems.”

But the release of legislative text to create a wealth tax is expected to further the debate among Democrats about how to best tax the rich and raise revenue to offset the cost of spending priorities.

Read more: The new wealth tax would result in the 100 richest Americans paying over $78 billion in taxes annually, according to an analysis by Bloomberg News.

More than 11 million households face homelessness without COVID-19 protections: More than 11 million families are at risk of losing housing when federal coronavirus eviction and foreclosure protections expire later this year, according to a report released Monday by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Analyzing private sector and federal data, the CFPB found that 2.1 million homeowners are at least 90 days behind on mortgage payments and 8.8 million households are behind on rent. 

The background: 

The CFPB warned that those families, while safe for now, will face housing insecurity when protections expire and the bill for missed rent or mortgage payments comes due. The report also found that housing insecurity — like countless other dangers of the pandemic — afflicted Black, Hispanic and low-income households at far greater rates.

“Put simply: we have very little time to prevent millions of families from losing their homes,” Acting CFPB Director Eric Uejio wrote in a blog post about the report.

I have more here.