Business & Economy

On The Money — US, EU put Russia in economic chokehold

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It’s Monday and welcome to On The Money, your nightly guide to everything affecting your bills, bank account and bottom line. Subscribe here: 

Today’s Big Deal: Western sanctions are crushing the Russian economy, and they’re already prompting multinational corporations to flee the country. We’ll also look at how the conflict could impact Americans’ finances and Biden’s plan to fight inflation. 

But first, President Biden doesn’t want you to worry about nuclear war. 

For The Hill, we’re Sylvan Lane, Aris Folley and Karl Evers-Hillstrom.  Reach us at, and 

Let’s get to it. 

Sanctions strangling Russian economy 

Financial sanctions imposed by the U.S. and Western allies are strangling the Russian economy.  

As Russian President Vladimir Putin wages war against Ukraine, his country’s economy has begun to collapse under the weight of unprecedented penalties from the Biden administration, United Kingdom, European Union and other major economic players. 

“Everyone in the economic sphere, the banking sphere, knows we’re in new territory here—a coordinated shutdown of a country’s economy with the strongest arrow being in the heart of the banking sector,” said George Lopez, expert on economic sanctions at University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs. 

In a nutshell: Roughly $300 billion of Russia’s reserves are now locked away from Putin in the U.S., Europe and other allied countries. While Russia still holds billions of dollars worth of gold within its borders, experts say Moscow will find few willing buyers with its banks under their own crushing sanctions. 

Without access to its reserves, the Russian government has resorted to desperate measures to keep its economy and financial sector afloat.  

The Hill’s Alex Gangitano and Sylvan have more here. 



Multinationals flee Russia, punishing Moscow 

Large multinational companies are fleeing Russia, joining a large swath of the international community in moving to isolate the nation in response to its brutal invasion of Ukraine.   

Oil and gas giants BP and Shell announced they are leaving Russia after spending decades making investments worth billions of dollars in the country, while several U.S. companies are halting all shipments to Russia.  

The exodus is expected to continue as more businesses weigh the reputational and financial risks of doing business with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Experts say that if energy firms are willing to forfeit huge sums by pulling out of Russia, industries with much less to lose will soon follow suit.   

Companies that haven’t fled are likely evaluating how to navigate complex sanctions and exploring whether continuing business with Russia is worth the regulatory challenges. The collapse of the Russian ruble could make that decision easier.  

Karl has more on the developments here. 



Biden to focus on lowering costs in SOTU amid rising inflation  

The White House says President Biden will discuss inflation during Tuesday’s State of the Union address while outlining efforts to lower costs for America families.  

Biden will announce a new four-piece plan to tackle rising prices, which have taken a toll on his approval ratings. Democrats are worried about losing their congressional majorities in this fall’s midterm elections as consumer frustration bites back at the White House. 

Alex has more on the plan here. 



Five ways the Russian invasion of Ukraine could impact the US economy 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the unprecedented sanctions imposed in response by the U.S. and western allies have rattled the global economy and financial markets.  

They’ve also upended supply chains for crucial food, energy and industrial products amid a global burst of inflation, derailed global travel and driven volatility into the stock market. 

Here are five ways the Russian invasion of Ukraine impacts Americans: 

Read more here.



Stay ahead of the news cycle with The Hill’s new Evening Report, featuring the day’s top stories and a look ahead to tomorrow. 



Breaking New Ground: Innovations in Alzheimer’s Research –Wednesday, March 2; 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT

Alzheimer’s disease is currently the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. While recent data indicate nearly six million Americans currently live with the disease, some estimates suggest that number could triple by 2060, causing yearly treatment costs in the hundreds of billions of dollars. What innovations show the most promise for early detection and treatment for this disease that takes a crushing toll on patients, their loved ones and caregivers? Former NIH director Elias Zerhouni, Alzheimer’s Association’s Maria Carrillo and more join The Hill’s Steve Clemons. RSVP today.

Good to Know  

A majority of women in key swing states are happy with their personal finances despite broad concerns about the national economy, a new poll found, underscoring the opportunities Democrats may still have to sell their agenda in the months before the midterms. 

Here’s what else we have our eye on: 


That’s it for today. Thanks for reading and check out The Hill’s Finance page for the latest news and coverage. We’ll see you Tuesday.