HHS queues up major healthcare law regulation
{mosads}On Tuesday and Wednesday, attention shifts to House Republicans, who are holding not one but two hearings with Sebelius on the health law’s Independent Payment Advisory Board. Republicans have taken to calling the panel of experts who will recommend cuts to Medicare reimbursements a “rationing board.” The Budget Committee holds its hearing on Tuesday, while the Energy and Commerce Health subcommittee convenes Wednesday.
In other Capitol Hill news, the Energy and Commerce Health panel holds a previously delayed hearing on bills to combat autism and fund graduate medical education at children’s hospitals, which President Obama wants to terminate. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will mark up the hospital legislation on Thursday.
On Tuesday, the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s Federal Financial Management subpanel will examine how technology and private-sector business practices can help fight Medicare and Medicaid fraud. The next day, the House Budget Committee will hear from Medicare actuary Rick Foster about Medicare’s finances.
And on Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee holds a field hearing in Utah to consider governors’ perspectives on Medicaid.
Off Capitol Hill, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launches its conference on controlling healthcare costs at 9 a.m. Tuesday. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) keynotes. White House Deputy Chief of Staff Nancy-Ann DeParle and Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf will also weigh in.
Also Tuesday, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners holds a call to discuss federal legislation to protect agents and brokers from healthcare reform legislation after an NAIC panel voted to support the bill.
On Thursday, the medical device lobby releases a new report on U.S. medical device spending.
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