Health Care

Planned Parenthood blasts Ernst in new ad

Planned Parenthood’s political arm is turning its attention to Iowa with a new TV ad blasting Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst. 

{mosads}Planned Parenthood Votes announced Tuesday that it will spend $450,000 on its first Iowa TV buy highlighting Ernst’s positions on birth control and abortion. 

In the 30-second spot, set to air in the Des Moines market, women around a kitchen table criticize Ernst on a slew of women’s health issues. 

“I had no idea her record was this bad. Joni Ernst thinks my boss should have control over whether I get birth control? … Bottom line, Joni Ernst just does not trust women,” individual women say in turn. 

Ernst, a member of the Iowa state Senate, is running neck-and-neck against Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) for the seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa). A new poll out Wednesday morning gave her a 6-point edge. 

Planned Parenthood hopes that highlighting Ernst’s opposition to abortion rights and support for the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision will boost Braley in November. 

Its first ads of the cycle blasted Republican Senate candidates Cory Gardner and Thom Tillis, who are running against Sens. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Kay Hagan (D-N.C.).