Health Care

President predicts ObamaCare victory: Case ‘pretty clear cut’

President Obama said Monday expressed confidence that the Supreme Court will uphold a key portion of his healthcare law this summer.

“I’m confident in the Supreme Court applying its own rules of interpreting laws [and] will uphold the law,” Obama said in an interview with Portland, Maine, NBC affiliate WCSH. “It’s pretty clear cut.”

The high court is expected to rule on whether insurance subsidies can legally be distributed to people in states served by the federal insurance exchange,

Plaintiffs in King v. Burwell argue that a phrase in the Affordable Cart Act, “established by the state,” means that people in the 37 states without insurance exchanges should not be eligible for tax subsidies. Maine is one of those states.

Supporters of the ObamaCare fear that if the justices side with the plaintiffs, the law will unravel.

The court gave few clues about how it might rule during oral arguments in March, though it appeared that Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy could be the swing votes.