Health Care

Fourteenth case of coronavirus diagnosed in US

A 14th case of coronavirus, or COVID-19, has been confirmed in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said Wednesday. 

The case is in California and the patient is among a group under a federal quarantine ordered because of its recent return to the U.S. on a State Department-chartered flight that arrived last week, according to the CDC. 

The CDC said it expects more cases in the coming weeks and days, including others who recently returned from Wuhan, China where the virus originated. 

More than 600 people who returned on chartered flights from Wuhan remain under federal quarantine; 195 were discharged from quarantine yesterday, according to the CDC. 

This is the second person at this base who tested positive for the virus. The two patients arrive on different planes and were housed in separate facilities, CDC said.

“At this time there is no indication of person-to-person spread of this virus at the quarantine facility, but CDC will carry out a thorough contact investigation as part of its current response strategy to detect and contain any cases of infection with this virus,” said Dr. Chris Braden, leader of CDC’s on-site team.

All people who have been in Hubei Province in the past two weeks are considered at high risk of having been exposed to COVID-19 and are subject to a 14-day quarantine.