Health Insurance

Pelosi: GOP lacks ‘the people’s support’ on ObamaCare

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says Americans are not united behind the GOP’s push to repeal ObamaCare.

“How long will it take for @HouseGOP to acknowledge they don’t have the people’s support?” she asked Monday on Twitter. 

Pelosi’s tweet includes a link to a poll from the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation that found 47 percent of those surveyed oppose repealing President Obama’s signature healthcare law. 

The Jan. 6 survey found that 20 percent of people want ObamaCare repealed immediately and would be willing to wait for the details of any kind of replacement, a strategy many congressional Republicans favor.

{mosads}Twenty-eight percent, meanwhile, support waiting for a replacement before repealing the law, while 47 percent oppose the repeal entirely.

Senate Democrats are planning to hold a late-night talkathon Monday protesting Republicans’ push to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The protest comes as Democrats face an u`phill battle to block Republicans’ repeal effort, which only needs 50 votes to clear the upper chamber through the budget reconciliation process.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) vowed Monday that Democrats will not let Republicans scrap the healthcare law without a fight.

“Tonight, we are taking to the floor and social media to denounce the plan and warn the American people that the Democrats will be fighting tooth and nail against this potentially catastrophic move,” he said. “Right now the GOP’s plan would put the insurance companies back in the driver’s seat and create chaos.”

Democrats pledged last week after a meeting with President Obama that they would try rallying constituents to save his 2010 healthcare law.

President-elect Donald Trump, meanwhile, has long targeted ObamaCare and is backed by GOP majorities in both congressional chambers.

The Senate is expected to vote this week on a budget resolution that will pave the way for repealing the law. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is the only GOP senator who has pledged to vote against it.

Paul on Monday, however, vowed to unveil an ObamaCare replacement based on “real market reforms” later this week.