Public/Global Health

Austria urges people to rethink New Year’s Eve parties to fight omicron spread

Austrian authorities urged residents to rethink their New Year’s Eve party plans as the omicron variant of COVID-19 spreads around the globe.

Austria announced new virus restrictions on Wednesday that include closing restaurants at 10 p.m. and imposing new limits and requirements for large gatherings, where attendees will be required to show proof they are vaccinated against the virus or fully recovered from symptoms, The Associated Press reported

Katharina Reich, the co-leader of Austria’s new COVID-19 crisis team, said the new restrictions are necessary even though the country is in a “good position” with daily virus cases, citing the omicron variant. 

“Omicron presents us with the next epidemiological challenge,” Reich said on Wednesday. “What we do know is that omicron is fast and we need to react quickly.”

Reich also urged residents to plan wisely for New Year’s celebrations, according to the AP. 

“Celebrate New Year’s Eve in small groups,” Reich added. 

Austria has fared better than many other European countries in combating the new variant, but it imposed a three-week lockdown last month in an effort to lower virus cases.