{mosads}“One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan but then on Monday night [during the presidential debate] he agrees with the withdrawal. Same thing in Iraq,” Powell said. “On every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Gov. Romney agreed with the president, with some nuances, but this is quite a different set of foreign-policy views than he had earlier in the campaign.”
In other news:
An al Qaeda-inspired group rejected a short holiday truce in Syria. [Associated Press]
Meanwhile, a New York Times reporter embedded with Bashar Assad’s army tells the story of the war in Syria from the government’s side.
Sudan is accusing Israel of attacking a munitions factory in Khartoum, The Associated Press reports. Sudan is suspected of smuggling arms to Hamas-controlled Gaza, which has fired more than 60 into Israel over the past two days. [The New York Times].
Republicans are getting used to the idea of having Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) take the top GOP spot on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [Foreign Policy]
A local guard force contractor failed to provide replacement protection to the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan during a three-day guard strike in June 2011, the State Department’s inspector general said in a report.
What you might have missed on Global Affairs:
Obama to renew sanctions against those involved in DRC conflict
Obama administration turns the tables on Russia‘s claims about US weapons in Syria
Afghanistan raps Obama administration over borders
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