Time running out for Russia trade bill

The Russian parliament is expected to vote to join the World
Trade Organization (WTP) on Tuesday, giving Congress a short window to either
adopt trade legislation or risk seeing U.S. companies trail competitors in the
world’s ninth-largest economy.

Establishing normal trade relations with Russia is a
no-brainer for U.S. businesses eyeing a vast export market, but lawmakers in
the House and Senate are still debating how to do that while retaining leverage
over the country on human rights.

{mosads}Once the Russian parliament ratifies accession to the world
trade body, Russia will automatically become a WTO member within 30 days. If
the vote happens Tuesday, it means Congress would have to act before the August
recess to prevent U.S. companies from losing out.

“The [Obama] administration has consistently urged Congress
to terminate application of the Jackson-Vanik amendment and authorize the
president to extend permanent normal trade relations to Russia before it
becomes a WTO Member,” a spokesperson for the Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative told The Hill via e-mail.

Doing so would “ensure that American workers and businesses
will be able to reap the full benefits of Russia’s WTO membership and to put
them on a level playing field with their competitors in Latin America, Europe
and Asia,” the spokesperson said.

U.S. trade relations with Russia are governed by the
Jackson-Vanik amendment, a Cold War-era statute that permits the United States
to slap trade restrictions on Russia. Although U.S. administrations have waived
the restrictions every year since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early
1990s, keeping it on the books violates WTO terms, meaning U.S. firms would not
benefit from the preferential access to the Russian market that will be
extended to other WTO members.

Russia intends to drive home that point by sending a
high-ranking parliamentary delegation to Washington right after the vote to
make the case for permanent normal trade relations on Capitol Hill and to the

The four Russian senators will focus their discussions on
Russia’s accession to the WTO, Russian-American bilateral trade and the 2009
death of whistle blowing lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, according to the Russian

Both parties have latched onto Magnitsky’s death, which happened
while he was in police custody, to press Russia on human rights. House and
Senate panels have passed bipartisan legislation placing financial and travel
restrictions on Russian officials involved in Magnitsky’s death and other human
rights abuses, but Russia has vowed “retaliation” if it becomes law.

Lawmakers are at odds over whether to link the Magnitsky
bill to the legislation normalizing trade relations, which has yet to clear
either chamber. Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), whose Senate Finance Committee has
jurisdiction over trade, has proposed doing so, but his counterpart on the
House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. David Camp (R-Mich.), disagrees with the

Russia’s continued support for the regime of Syrian
President Bashar Assad has further complicated matters. The top Democrat on the
Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.), has called for the House
to delay action on the trade bill “for a period of time to determine whether
Russia will join our nation and others in steps to address the Assad regime’s
horrendous violence against its own people.”

The Obama administration’s apparent inconsistencies on the
issue have added to lawmakers’ reluctance. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,
in particular, has urged Congress to pass the trade deal — a priority for
President Vladimir Putin — while simultaneously calling on other countries to
make Russia “pay a price” for supporting Assad.

“I will tell you very frankly, I don’t think Russia and
China believe they are paying any price at all — nothing at all — for standing
up on behalf of the Assad regime,” Clinton told a meeting of 60 or so western
and Arab nations known as the Friends of Syria on Friday. “The only way
that will change is if every nation represented here directly and urgently
makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price, because they are holding
up progress — blockading it — that is no longer tolerable.”

Tags Hillary Clinton Max Baucus

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