
Amid protests, Rouhani says Iran can handle US sanctions

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday assured Iranians that the country would be able to handle new U.S. sanctions as Washington moves to reimpose economic penalties following President Trump’s decision to leave the Iran nuclear deal. 

“Even in the worst case, I promise that the basic needs of Iranians will be provided. We have enough sugar, wheat and cooking oil. We have enough foreign currency to inject into the market,” Rouhani said in a televised addressed, according to Reuters.


The Iranian leader went on to call U.S. sanctions on Iran “psychological, economic and political war,” and said the U.S. would pay for Trump’s decision to withdraw from the pact. 

“Withdrawal was the worst decision he [Trump] could make. It was appalling. It hurt America’s global reputation,” Rouhani said. 

Rouhani’s comments came amid economic demonstrations in the country, with protests in Tehran heading into their second day, and parts of Tehran’s Grand Bazaar going on strike. 

Trump’s decision last month to pull the U.S. from the Iran deal is likely to impact the Iranian economy. 

The U.S. reimposition of economic penalties on Iran is expected to reduce the country’s hard currency earnings from oil exports, which has resulted in panic from the Iranian public, according to Reuters.