
Myanmar security forces deploy armored vehicles, crack down on protesters

Myanmar security forces on Monday cracked down on those protesting against the military coup and deployed armored vehicles and military personnel into the streets.

Authorities in Myanmar deployed armored vehicles, fired rubber bullets and slingshots into crowds of protesters, pointed guns at demonstrators and arrested many as protests have continued for days over the military takeover of the democratically elected government, The Associated Press reported.

The rubber bullets did injure some in the crowd, although it does not appear there were any deaths in the crackdown. Many have been arrested across the nation, including high schoolers as young as 13-years-old and journalists. 

The U.S. Embassy in Myanmar warned Americans in the country on Sunday to “shelter in place” whenever military vehicles took to the street. 

The protests began after a military coup was led on Feb. 1 by Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, who took over the government and arrested democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and others in her political party. 

Suu Kyi was supposed to be released Monday, but the date got pushed back to Wednesday, when she will have to appear in court for having an unregistered walkie-talkie, according to the AP. 

Hlaing reversed key laws protecting protesters on Saturday, and officials are now allowed to search private property and hold protesters in jail for more than 24 hours without a court order. 

Myanmar also saw thousands of engineers and doctors protest Monday, saying they refuse to work while the military is controlling the government. The military claims their takeover is justified, as they believe the government did not investigate election fraud well enough. 

The military coup and their violent response to protesters have caused international condemnation, and the U.S. has announced sanctions and redirected aid from the country.