
South Korea sets another record for new daily COVID-19 cases

South Korea has set another record for new daily COVID-19 cases and deaths on Saturday.

The country recorded 5,352 new cases and 70 deaths a mid a struggle to contain the delta variant, The Associated Press reported

It is the third time this week the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency counted more than 5,000 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours. 

Seoul and other nearby areas will ban private gatherings of more than seven people starting next week in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus. 

Along with the delta variant, South Korea has found at least nine cases of the new omicron variant that has sent world leaders scrambling to contain its spread, according to the AP. 

In response to the omicron variant, South Korea has banned international flights from southern African countries and required all international travelers to quarantine for at least 10 days regardless of their vaccination status. 

The travel bans have been decried by some scientists and the World Health Organization, but some political leaders maintain they are necessary until more is known about the new strain. 

Currently, it is unclear how transmissible the new variant is, and if current coronavirus vaccines will be effective against the strain. 

The omicron variant has been found in over 20 countries and at least 10 states in the U.S.