
7 in 10 Americans polled support ban on Russian oil even if higher prices result

More than 70 percent of Americans surveyed in a new poll say the Biden administration should ban Russian oil over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, even if it leads to higher gas prices in the U.S.

The Quinnipiac poll found that 71 percent of respondents supported a ban on Russian oil, including 66 percent of Republicans and 82 percent of Democrats.

Slightly more than 1 in 5 respondents — 22 percent — were opposed and 7 percent did not know or did not answer. 

Congress could vote on legislation banning Russian oil within days, as support for the initiative appears to be growing.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), for example, has said she is “all for it.”

President Biden’s administration had initially been opposed to a ban on imports from the world’s third-largest oil producer amid soaring domestic gas prices. But as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine intensifies, administration officials have softened their position.

The president is expected to announce Tuesday that the U.S. will ban Russian oil, natural gas and coal imports in response to the invasion.

Western nations have slapped Russia with numerous sanctions that have punished the country’s economy; however, most Americans in the new poll say the measures imposed by the U.S. have not been strong enough.

According to the survey, 56 percent of Americans say the U.S. has not been tough enough, while 30 percent say the Biden administration’s measures have been about right.

When asked if Biden is responding to Russia’s invasion well, Americans are more split, with 42 percent of those surveyed approving and 45 percent disapproving, including 76 percent of Republicans disapproving and 77 percent of Democrats approving.

The poll also shows that most Americans surveyed — 78 percent — support accepting Ukrainian refugees into the U.S.

And most Americans support fighting back against Russia should its forces attack a member of NATO, a security alliance that ensures an attack against one country is an attack against all.

About 79 percent of respondents support fighting Russia were it to attack a NATO ally.

The poll of 1,374 adults, conducted between March 4 and 6, has a sampling error of 2.6 percentage points. 

–Updated at 9:29 a.m.