
Trump to dine with Apple CEO Tim Cook

President Trump will dine with Apple CEO Tim Cook on Friday, according to a tweet he sent late Friday afternoon.

Trump announced the dinner, praising the tech leader in the tweet for his investments in the U.S.

“Looking forward to dinner tonight with Tim Cook of Apple. He is investing big dollars in U.S.A.” Trump wrote.

The dinner conversation will take place just days after the president met with a number of business leaders from various industries who were affected by his administration’s mounting trade conflict with several foreign countries.

Cook and Trump have talked trade issues before. The pair last publicly talked in April when the Apple CEO visited the White House.

Cook’s visit came at a time that he and other tech industry leaders were pushing Trump for a more open trading relationship with China, where Apple maintains some manufacturing facilities.

The Trump administration’s trade relationship with China has since deteriorated, with the White House issuing billions of dollars’ worth of more tariffs on China that have been met with reciprocal measures from Beijing.


Trump dined with more than a dozen business leaders earlier this week at his resort in Bedminster, New Jersey, where the president discussed his ongoing trade disputes with several countries, including Mexico, Canada, and the European Union.

The president and his allies have fiercely defended the administration’s trade actions in the face of criticism from pro-trade Republicans.

“Tariffs are the greatest! Either a country which has treated the United States unfairly on Trade negotiates a fair deal, or it gets hit with Tariffs. It’s as simple as that – and everybody’s talking! Remember, we are the ‘piggy bank’ that’s being robbed. All will be Great!” Trump wrote on Twitter last month.