
Twitter permanently suspends account behind doctored video shared by Trump

Twitter has suspended a pro-Trump account after it said the account committed “repeated violations” of copyright policies.

In a post on the platform Locals, the owner of the suspended Twitter account, Carpe Donktum, said that he was suspended for sharing a doctored video that President Trump also shared last week. 

The video, which was taken down by Twitter on Friday, shows two children running toward each other and embracing. The tweet shared by Trump and Donktum featured an edited video with menacing background music and a manipulated CNN headline and appeared to show the children running from each other.

“I received a DMCA [Digital Millennium Copyright Act] takedown order this morning for that video, and a few hours later a suspension letter,” Donktum said in the post. 

Donktum’s account was also suspended for eight days last July over a video depicting Trump as a cowboy attacking CNN journalist Jim Acosta.

He said that Twitter did not give him an avenue to get his account back, so he assumes the move is “final and permanent.”

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and CNN chief White House correspondent Acosta sparred over the altered video in question during a press conference Friday, with McEnany saying that the president was “making a point” about the network, claiming it has “regularly taken him out of context.”

The tweet is one of several from the president that has been tagged by Twitter for violating copyright policies, and for posting things Twitter determined were spreading misleading information and inciting violence.