
Facebook tells Apple users that tracking some data keeps platforms ‘free of charge’

Facebook and Instagram began to warn users on Apple platforms last week that their data shared to target ads on the platforms help keep them “free of charge,” according to a company blog post.

An announcement last Monday indicated that Apple users would begin seeing popups notifying them that new privacy requirements on Apple’s iOS 14 force apps to seek permission for collecting data from users, including search histories, that are used to target ads on personal feeds.

“[W]e will show an educational screen before presenting Apple’s prompt to help people make an informed decision about how their information is used. It provides more details about how we use data for personalized ads, as well as the ways we limit the use of activity other apps and websites send us if people don’t turn on this device setting,” Facebook said in a statement.

The company has taken a hard stance against the Apple iOS 14 privacy requirement, which it said in December would “have a harmful impact on many small businesses” by cutting in to their ad revenue by as much as 60 percent on Apple devices.

“We disagree with Apple’s approach, yet we have no choice but to show their prompt. If we don’t, we’ll face retaliation from Apple, which could only further harm the businesses we want to support. We can’t take that risk,” Facebook said at the time.

A Facebook spokesperson declined to comment further when contacted by The Hill.

Updated at 7:15 p.m.