
Power outage at Denver airport causes delays

Power outages at Denver International Airport caused dozens of flights to be delayed on Wednesday.

The airport reported the outages on Twitter at 2:30 p.m. local time.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a ground stop for the airport, meaning that flights in the air could land, but those that hadn’t left would be held at their current locations.

According to Flightaware.com, 89 flights were delayed Wednesday and two were cancelled.

Just before 4 p.m., the airport said on Twitter that power had been fully restored and operations are “returning to normal.” The ground stop was also lifted, though delays are still possible.

An airport spokesperson told The Hill that power was restored at 3:30 p.m.

A spokesperson for Xcel Energy, which was working with the airport on the issue, told The Hill that its crews are looking into the cause of the outage.

“We understand the that losing power, especially at a large facility like the airport, is an inconvenience. We appreciate our customers patience as we worked to resolve the issue as quickly and safely as possible,” the spokesperson said.