Court Battles

Trump Organization and Scottish government in stand-off over legal fees

The Trump Organization is in a standoff with the Scottish government over legal fees following a lawsuit it lost while attempting to block a wind farm near its Aberdeenshire golf course. 

A Scottish court ruled earlier this year that the company was required to pay the government’s legal costs after losing the suit, The Guardian reported. The case has now gone to to a court-appointed adjudicator after the government said the company refuses to reach a cost agreement.{mosads}

“As the amount of expenses has not been agreed, we are awaiting a date for the auditor of the court of session to determine the account. We expect payment when this has been completed,” a government spokeswoman told the British newspaper. 

The resort’s executive vice president has said the assertion that the Trump Organization wouldn’t pay is not true. 

“This is not in our control,” Sarah Malone told the Guardian. “The matter is in the hands of the auditors of the court of session and the Scottish ministers.”

The Hill has reached out to the Trump Organization for comment. 

The lawsuit challenging the Aberdeen Bay wind farm began in 2012, and President Trump claimed the “monstrous” project would ruin the view from his resort, the Guardian reported.