New regs for Monday: Paying rehab facilities more

{mosads}The Department of Veterans Affairs is changing the way it bills home healthcare and hospice providers with which it does not already have contracts. 

The Federal Communications Commission is clarifying rules on systems to bring broadband access to rural areas. 

The agency is also issuing a rule on an engineering model to estimate the full average monthly cost of operating and maintaining a broadband network. 

Fish and Animals:

The Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to protect the lesser prairie chicken, a type of grouse, and reopen the comment period on a December proposal to list the bird as a threatened species. 

The Fish and Wildlife service is also reopening comments on an October proposal to list a type of tiger beetle as an endangered species. 

The National Marine Fisheries Service is changing some rules for catching groundfish off the Pacific Coast.


The Internal Revenue Service is issuing a rule requiring anyone assigned an employer identification number to provide the agency with updated application information. 


The Treasury Department is removing Hessam Khoshnevis, a commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who was killed in Syria, from its list of sanctioned people. 


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