The Hill Articles: April 24, 2007

April 24
Cheney vs. Reid on Iraq CBC is split over quitting debate on Fox ‘I don’t see that your team has a handle on this project’ House Dems bullish ahead of vote on Iraq Amid FBI investigation, Renzi steps down from 2 more panels Iraq: Maliki under pressure to deliver on milestones Supreme Court hears Sen. Dayton case Feeney: FBI probe of his ties to Abramoff is unthreatening The new sheriffs in town The best in the business Weyant’s World: April 25, 2007 Wireless groups battling over broadband sale rules Wanted: Lobbyists who will work for $25 an hour K Street Insiders: What-you-know Washington Jewish vote increasingly important to Democratic success in election Lobbying World Davis defends Rice, parts ways with Waxman Calif. Dems to host anti-war forums in early ’08 states Air Force chief frustrated over helicopter wrangling Blunt and Wilson to chair President’s Dinner on June 13 Gun group opposes gun bill tightening background checks Hillary’s tough row to hoe Opportunity and tragedy Potential Bean, Durbin challenger Greenberg to make decision soon Prioritizing education, research is key to driving U.S. innovation First, do no harm to the intellectual property system No easy task Plan B for Iraq policy: a 60-day bipartisan initiative GOP scandals continuing Hillary’s experienceis at surviving Trunk in the junk America’s Goodwill Ambassador Punishing Incompetence Supreme Court hears case of fired Dayton staffer First Steps on the Innovation Agenda (Rep. Zoe Lofgren) Brownback Markets Himself as a Steady Conservative Minimum Wage in the War-Spending Bill? Cheney blasts Reid’s ‘defeatism’ U.S. Can’t Compete without an Educated Workforce (Sen. George Voinovich) Plan B Tillman family slams military Paul Wolfowitz Should Be Fired. Now. Mikulski endorses Clinton Alleviate Debt and Make Legal Aid a Possibility (Sen. Tom Harkin) Bush ‘disappointed’ in Democratic leaders DeLay: Reid and Pelosi “very, very close to treason” Are We Ready to Get Tough on Immigration? We Have to Deal with Social Security and Medicare Now (Rep. Jim McCrery) Schools Must Be Designed to Prepare Students for the 21st Century (Sen. Mike Enzi) Poll shows potential primary foe Bruning beating Hagel Loss of Farmers’ Social Security Numbers is a Major Cause for Concern (Rep. Zack Space) Cybersecurity: Hacking the Federal Government (Rep. Bennie Thompson) Obama Indicates Changing Trend In American Politics