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The Hill Articles: April 30, 2007
April 30
Dem leaders to sign off on bill funding Iraq war today before expected veto
Weyant’s World: May 1, 2007
Obama snubs Black Caucus
Lampson candidacy could create dilemma
Drug lobbyists fight pill, but want the bill
Foreign clients beginning to seek out Dem lobbyists
Bottom line
Both parties seize on GDP data as ammo
With the Dems back in power, there’s good business for Elmendorf, even at the gym
Black lawmakers combat anti-immigrant attitudes
Lawyers lobby House Speaker, members to overhaul military commissions bill
Contrary to GAO assertion, some cases pending before appeals board
Sports leagues mobilize against Frank’s gaming bill
Sunday surprise
Tax tunes
D.C. voting rights bill isn’t willful Constitution breach
House oversight panel may look past Rice, Tenet in inquiry into uranium
Clinton leads Dem presidential pack in winning Kerry’s top ’04 fundraisers
Give bloggers Capitol access
Feinstein’s Cardinal shenanigans
Internet Broadcasters Deserve Royalty Parity (Rep. Jay Inslee)
George Tenet: Bush’s First Mistake
Feinstein proposes plan to close Gitmo
Dems want internal DOJ probe findings made public
Capitol Police arrests 74 protesters in wheelchairs
New Markets Tax Credit Needs an Extension (Rep. Ron Lewis)
John Edwards Says He Shouldn’t Have Voted for War
How We Can Encourage Students to Become Teachers (Rep. Tom Allen)
Bush vows to work with Democrats on Iraq
A Veto Defies the Wishes of the American People (Rep. Ron Klein)
Fred Thompson — Readying a Stump Speech?
Funding an Effective Way Forward in Iraq, Not an Arbitrary Date (Rep. Michael Castle)
‘WInging It’ — Maybe Not a Good Idea for Obama
Hillary’s Boo Birds, Part II
Vanishing Honeybees Could Leave Crops in the Dust (Sen. John Thune)
Huckabee Backs No Child Left Behind
Johnson discharged from rehab hospital
Snow back at work, hopes to inspire others with cancer
Fire Destroys Heart of Capitol Hill
Stepping Up Measures to Protect Citizens from Bioterrorist Threats (Sen. Richard Burr)
Legal Lessons From Virginia Tech: A Time for Common Sense
Gun Delusions
Hillary’s California Boo Birds
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