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The Hill Articles: June 12, 2007
June 12
Labor of love yields results
Florida Dems defy Dean on primary date
The lawmaker in indictment is Billy Tauzin
Gonzales cloture push falls seven votes short
In drive for climate bill, Reid is all energy
Ecuador pursues trade-preference extension but faces critics in Congress
Obey shines light on earmarking process, but GOP labels move a hollow gesture
FEC’s Weintraub asks Congress about staying on past her term
Most presidential hopefuls give only lip service to closing Guantanamo
Weyant’s World: June 12, 2007
Experts offer House tips on how to become ‘carbon-neutral’
Moran wants study to cover tuition of House employees
Levin calls for changes in South Korea trade deal
Lawmakers expected to attend D.C. screening of new Moore film
Confusion arises over Clinton’s Florida supporters
Following Social Security push, liberal coalition tackles Medicare Advantage
Bottom line
Congress complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act, but who knows for how long
3 Dems weighing Senate bids in Wyoming
Simpson told Cubin he would primary her
Frist, Daschle seek to highlight poverty
Long neglected by Congress, oceans’ health sinking to new depths
Missing out on outer space
G8 agreement may drive climate policy
Bush can give Libby respite, delay decision on pardoning
Improve databases
Returning the favor
Debra Carnahan is no ‘stand by your man’ woman
Painting serves as mystical sign for staffer
Intern of the Week: From Los Angeles to the Beltway
Meet the lawmaker: Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), 2nd District
Senate Democrats unveil new Iraq strategy
Energy Bill Is a Commendable Work in Progress (Rep. Jim Costa)
Menendez endorses Clinton, will co-chair campaign
‘Emotional’ Bush seeks to rally Senate GOP
Now Is the Time to Reform Immigration
We Should End the War Now, Not in Six Months (Rep. Sam Farr)
Waxman: DoT lobbying tactics ‘inappropriate’
Greenland Sees Global Warming Firsthand (Rep. Emanuel Cleaver)
A Masterful Maneuver on Immigration
Former U.S. attorney U-turns on testimony
Constitution Trumps War on Terror
Tom Tancredo Gets a Haircut
High Corn Prices Shouldn’t Hinder Development of Alternative Fuels (Sen. Tom Harkin)
Judiciary Committee to consider more subpoenas
Bush Needs to Show He’s Still Alive
Support for Taxpayer Protection and Assistance Act
Has the GOP Lost the Gutierrez Family Forever?
The Tailor-Made Scandal
Democrats’ “Earmark Reform” Just a Campaign Promise (Rep. Tom Price)
Optimistic Bush to make immigration push
Daring to Dream
Foolish Assumption, Pathetic System
Test of Wills in the House as Pelosi’s Popularity Plummets
Labor Problem Must Be Addressed Immediately
‘Do-Nothing’ Programming
Alberto Gonzales Should Move On (Sen. Kent Conrad)
Bill Richardson Continues Spoofing Himself
Gonzales Vote Was a Political Stunt (Sen. Wayne Allard)
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