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The Hill Articles: June 7, 2007
June 7
Immigration bill fails key cloture vote
CBC digs in for Jefferson
Lobbying by Rudy’s firm draws fire
Victory in W. Va. could spread to other states
Norton aide cops a plea
Capitol Power Plant to reduce CO2 emissions in trial program
Case renews call for pension changes
House lawmakers frustrated by CDC tardiness at hearing
Weyant’s World: June 7, 2007
Democrats may split along regional lines on looming energy legislation
House panel passes spending bill for legislative branch, tightens scrutiny
Immigration bill survives after Cornyn amendment, others fail
D.C. voting-member bill scores reid pledge
Some members worry that ethics war may backfire for both parties
Dems blunt on Big Three’s prospects
Immigration amendments offered by Durbin, Reid stir Olympic hopes
Go, Johnny, go!
House energy bill attracts critics of all types
Tinker files to take on Cohen again, setting up racially charged primary
Lobbyists helping Dubai company to seal $1.8 billion deal
Former Sen. Thompson’s entry could decimate second tier of ’08 hopefuls
Insurance industry split over legislation to address risks posed by terrorist attacks
We must solve America’s financial literacy crisis
A national band of brothers and sisters
SEC boosts America’s global competitiveness
Listen to LaTourette
Outside monitor of ethics deserves genuine authority
Immigration divisions
Public looking for change
Pentagon correspondent adjusts to life of calm
Joe Scarborough’s comment about Thompson’s wife
Hush-Hush: Whispering on Capitol Hill
Dems want Cheney to recuse himself from Libby pardon talks
Real ID Provisions May Mean Longer Lines at the DMV
Kennedy, Enzi want answers on TB case
Reid vows not to use Wyo. vacancy for political gain
Tancredo Crashing His Own Party
Stem Cell Research Does Not Have to Take Lives (Rep. Tim Walberg)
Stem Cell Bill Lags behind Science, Won’t Become Law (Rep. Joe Pitts)
How Hot is Global Warming Fever?
House Republicans push for Iraq diplomacy
With New Science, Embyonic Research Is Obsolete (Rep. Michael Burgess)
Energy and Commerce’s Emissions Plan, Brought to You by GM
What’s Korea’s Beef With American Meat? (Sen. Max Baucus)
House passes stem cells bill; veto awaits
Affordable Housing: We Cannot Afford To Ignore It (Rep. Jerry Weller)
Tuberculosis Scare Identified Our Vulnerabilities (Rep. Bennie Thompson)
Borderline Futility
Jeri Thompson is a Hottie. Deal With It.
Immigration bill fails to clear cloture
Guest Worker Program Is a Slippery Slope toward Amnesty (Rep. Howard ‘Buck’ McKeon)
Campaigning en español
Republican Presidential Candidates Threaten Nuclear Bombing of Iran
The Eddie Haskell of the Presidential Race
More Thoughts on the ‘Grand Bargain’ Immigration Mess
We Need COPS Now More Than Ever (Rep. Ric Keller)
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