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The Hill Articles: May 21, 2007
May 21
Clinton, Obama whip for ‘’08
Looking to tweak, not kill the bill
‘Imperfect’ measure faces a tsunami of amendments
$8B of pork: Dems take 60 percent
Primary today could spell end for Ky. ex-Rep. Northup
Murtha: New post-veto Iraq bill will pass quickly
Richardson makes it official
Retired Air Force general Goddard to challenge Democrat Jim Marshall
Bottom line
McDermott may face up to $880K in legal fees for case
Boeing talks jobs to marshal support for refueling tanker
Rep. Matheson, big spender; Rep. Goode, not so much
Brady seeks consolation mayoral prize
AARP, healthcare groups link up for push in early-primary states
13-year-old names names; Warner gets the message
Levin sees no rift with Rangel on China trade
Appropriators, OMB differ on how to cut earmarks
Madison Group’s Mason has gone far, fast, and now seeks to mentor
Weyant’s World: May 22, 2007
Fresh difficulties
Immigration deal unfeasible; alternative idea would work
More access to committees
Ashcroft: a man of integrity
Immigration plan leaves many questions
Local opportunities
Monday Morning Quarterback: The Budget
Senate votes for cloture on immigration
Conyers, Sanchez express ‘extreme disappointment’ with White House
They’re Here Illegally — Don’t Help Them Buy Homes (Rep. John Doolittle)
Illegal Immigrants Need to Get in Line with Everyone Else (Rep. John Culberson)
Congress Closes in on a Different Kind of Trust Fund
Bush calls Gonzales debate ‘pure political theater’
Dem presidential hopefuls tangled up on Iraq
The Marketplace
Schiff introduces Gonzales no-confidence resolution
House GOP Plots Spending Veto Override Campaign
Pelosi hopeful about completing Iraq bill this week
Send Colin Powell To Push Iraq Cease-fire Talks
I Will Hold Congress Accountable on Katrina Recovery (Rep. Gene Taylor)
Ron Who??!
Romney is ultimate flip-flopper
Immigration Deal Appears Doomed
Immigration Bill Falls Flat on Opposing Amnesty (Rep. Paul Gillmor)
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