The Hill Articles: August 4, 2008

August 4
MoveOn plans to ‘push back hard’ against House GOP Obama Camp: Energy Dept. Also Made Tire Suggestion DAY’S END ROUNDUP McCain’s Social Security Straddle To My Distinguished Fellow Blogger, Brent Budowsky GOP energy revolt presses on; Dems dismiss ‘stunt’ Stevens’s attorneys file request to move trial to Alaska Kilpatrick challenger considering independent bid Ron Christie and the Race Card Gwyneth Paltrow Urges Expats to Vote Obama Ohio GOP Ad Blasts Obama for ‘Inflated Tires’ Remark McCain Hits Back at Obama Energy Speech Huffington Post Banned in Beijing Obama camp slams McCain’s economic plan Gallup Tracking: Obama Pulls Slightly Ahead FDA sets limits to advisers’ ties to industry Kennedy Tapes Video for Democratic Convention, Aims for September Return Robert Novak Retires White House says no to special session of Congress Romney to Attend Olympics Despite McCain’s Vow That He Wouldn’t As President KKK founder statue finds its way into another race Positive local buzz from marijuana bill surprises Clay MIDDAY ROUNDUP McCain camp mocks Obama, hopes to cash in on joke Rasmussen: Obama and McCain Are Tied Obama’s Race Card Obama’s energy plan makes ‘no sense,’ GOP says Obama Pledges to Convert White House Fleet to Plug-in Hybrids GOP still speaking on floor despite recess Mayor Bloomberg to Host Reception for Clinton New Obama Ad Hits McCain for Ties to Big Oil Obama’s Staff Loses Birthday Gift RNC Distributes Tire Gauges in ‘Celebration’ of Obama’s Birthday Fellow Democrats: Kill the Elitist and Undemocratic Caucuses Firedoglake Packers Hire Former Bush Spokesman Fleischer for Favre Situation Advice to McCain: Try a Little Tenderness MORNING READ The Huffington Post Drudge Report RedState Hot Air TalkingPointsMemo MyDD Daily Kos Vietnam Is Hot Where’s the Outrage from Democrats? The Senator’s New Clothes