The Hill Articles: August 6, 2008

August 6
GOP planning to revolt right up to Dem convention DAY’S END ROUNDUP Boeing’s supporters have new worries on tanker Humbled Rep. Kilpatrick Sends Letter of Thanks to Primary Voters Hillary’s ‘I Told You So’ Campaign FBI ending probe of anthrax attack on Congress Young fishes for legal defense funds Clinton to Host Live Chat Pawlenty touts ‘Sam’s Club’ Republicanism Reid: Afghanistan in ‘pretty good shape’ Clinton Supporters Will Parade In Denver During Convention Obama Tells Diners He Hasn’t Decided on Veep Pick Gallup: Independent Gap Narrows Oh, You Mean THOSE Lights McCain: Hamdan Verdict Shows Justice Is ‘Moving Forward’ Pelosi asks Bush to help medalist visit Olympics RNC Letter: Donate or Favor Liberal Dems Hollywood’s Love Affair with China The Half-Black/Half-White Insanity MIDDAY ROUNDUP DNC Website Tries to Tie McCain to Exxon House Republicans tout new poll on drilling White House lauds Iraq’s reconstructions efforts Club For Growth to Attack Udall in Colo. Senate Race Over Spending The Flopper Club for Growth gives Cantor high marks Bush ‘optimistic’ about China but voices ‘deep concern’ McCain’s Olympic Ad Buy Bigger Than Obama’s Pentagon set to release new tanker bidding process New McCain Ad Repeats Celebrity Attack, But Leaves Out Brit and Paris Kaine to Appear With Michelle Obama at Va. Fundraiser Wednesday Paris: McCain’s ‘That Wrinkly White-Haired Guy’ The Huffington Post Drudge Report The Corner RedState The Plank TalkingPointsMemo Pawlenty: Hilton’s response ‘pretty funny’ MORNING READ MyDD Daily Kos War is Over. We Won. The Earth Is Losing to the Oil Jenkins tops Ryun in primary, will face Boyda Kilpatrick survives primary, opponent doesn’t concede Luetkemeyer and Baker to face off for Hulshof’s seat