The Hill Articles: December 12, 2008

December 12
Detroit Miffed By Ex-Tiger Bunning’s ‘Nay’ Vote Senate Auto Blame Game Some Dems wary of Blagojevich successor DAY’S END ROUNDUP Unions Rail against Senate GOP Rep. Jefferson suffers another legal blow The Definition of Insanity (Rep. Trent Franks) GOP senators want more time to review Holder Matthews Leads Pa. Democrats, Ties Specter in Poll Ohio GOP Sen.: Bush May Share Legacy of Hoover Rep. Cao’s interest in CBC could spark clash Petition Seeks to Save Late-Night D.C. Obama Bash White House aid to automakers rankles GOP From the Charleston, S.C. Post and Courier — Originally published Friday, Dec. 12 Ex-GOP aide with Abramoff ties pleads guilty Corker: WH intervention killed auto bill Convicted Chicago Rep. Defends Illinois Politicians Kennedy Receiving Support From Black Voters in N.Y. THE BIG QUESTION — Friday, Dec. 12 We Love Obama, But Prefer Super Bowl State AG Files Restraining Order Against Blago Dems turn up rhetoric on auto bailout MIDDAY ROUNDUP Clinton Calls on Bush to Aid Detroit Minnesota board’s decision to help Franken Time for Congress to Roll Up Its Sleeves (Rep. Laura Richardson) Counties to Tally Uncounted Absentee Ballot in Minn. One ‘Hot Rod’ that Won’t Rev Kerry blasts ‘dangerous’ rollback of species act Ill. Legislator: We Could Impeach Blago in Weeks President-elect Obama Must Continue to Inspire the American People (Rep. James Clyburn) Mich. Gov.: Vote Against Auto Bailout “Un-American” Obama Says He’s Disappointed in Bailout Vote Rendell: Obama Team Fumbled Blago Response Rep. Moore to Run After All In Rod We Trust Senator Blasts Earmarks for Waterslide, Other Projects White House Considers Options to Save Big 3 DeMint Predicts Frustration With Bailouts Economy Will Be Job One for Obama (Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz) White House considers rescuing Big Three Rod Blagojevich and Pay for Play on Wall Street and K Street The Huffington Post Drudge Report The Corner Michelle Malkin TalkingPointsMemo MyDD Daily Kos MORNING READ Constituting the Obama Revolution Poll Confirms: GOP at Nadir