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The Hill Articles: July 8, 2008
July 8
Dems to target McCain for Medicare non-vote
In lobbying, the language is as important as issues
Campaigns: To shake up or hold steady
Big earmark headache for Rep. Kanjorski
Pro-Iraq war vets’ group backs Democrat Marshall
Lincoln Diaz-Balart: Obama was AWOL on immigration
Weyant’s World: July 9, 2008
Useful illusions about war powers
Pelosi to Bush: Open oil reserve
House seeks to curb YouTube ads when lawmakers link up
Air Force tanker decision shows important role congressional auditors play in defense contracts
River status, planned gas project swept up in House energy battle
Handling the VP question
Do not open Rockies region to unproven oil shale pursuit
Unity Alert
Mark Warner Lays Out Path to Obama Victory in Va.
Pelosi wants Bush to release oil from strategic reserve
Lamborn faces same two foes from ’06 Republican primary
Reid urges bipartisan action on energy tax incentives
Baffled by floating Republicans
Whether Europeans use mirrors
Pro-Iraq war vets group backs Democrat Marshall
Lieberman languishing
Obama would, in fact, govern from the left
CMS to face legal threat if Congress cancels host of equipment contracts
Anti-Lieberman group to deliver 43,000 signatures
Lobbying World
Aide has a unique spin on life
Rep. Heller: GOP Needs to ‘Clean House’
The intern with familiar eyes
Capitol Faces: Julie Eddy
Shelby aides paint, pursue justice in London
20 Questions with Nathan Riedel
Conyers accentuates style with a splash of color
High food prices starving school lunch programs
Kucinich Makes Another Attempt to Impeach Bush
TV transition worries civil rights advocates
When a loophole doesn’t need to be closed
Reid Ties Congress’s Approval Rating to Bush
Rasmussen: Obama Seen as More Moderate
Reid rules out Medicare amendments
Obama, Urging Students to Stay in School, Name Drops Lil Wayne
Which Way the Wind Blows
McCain stresses economy, not immigration at LULAC
The Real Obama
Obama Takes on Flip-Flopper Charge
Obama: ‘I will bring the Iraq war to a close’
Commission wants new congressional war powers
Sen. Warner Calls on Energy Secretary to Study 55 mph Speed Limit
Report: Obama Will Be in Germany July 24
McCain Touts Support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Rep. Gingrey Calls Obama ‘The Worst Flip-Flopper That I
Obama’s ‘Sister Souljah Moment’ on the Surveillance Bill
Waxman threatens Mukasey with contempt citation
New FEC commissioners set for first meeting
Obama Camp Says McCain’s Budget Doesn’t Add Up
New Obama Energy Ad Responds to RNC
Obama signs Clinton’s women’s outreach director
Congressional Approval Falls to Single Digits for First Time in Poll’s History
Clinton Director of Women’s Outreach Joins Obama Camp
McCain Winning Among Pet Owners
McAuliffe Hosting Fundraiser for Obama
Rep. Reyes: Relative’s Kidnapping Was Handled Like Others
Obama at Invesco Field; Clinton Somewhere Else
Wolfson Joins Fox News
DNC seeks input from public for Democratic platform
Obama Raffle Could Violate Minnesota Law
McCain’s Stresses Military Service in New Ad, ‘Love’
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