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The Hill Articles: June 24, 2008
June 24
Defending Obama on Rev. Wright, Pelosi says she has disagreements with her pastors
Senate confirms FEC picks
Obama Asks Top Donors to Help Clinton Retire Debt
GOP going for green
Obama in the driver’s seat but McCain reads the map
Courting the black caucus in Colombia
Baucus helps Smith, defying his leadership
Special Reports: Environmental Sustainability
House Democratic leaders score stunning victory on Medicare bill
Weyant’s World: June 25, 2008
Chet Edwards wouldn’t turn down a VP invitation
Pelosi to grant vote on Indian gaming bill benefiting Rep. Dingell’s district
Dismissed police recruits planning challenge
Clinton returns to Senate, promises to support Obama
House Democrats press McClellan to come back for further testimony
FISA overhaul spat moves from Capitol to campaign
Gay marriage redux
Christian exodus from GOP unlikely
Wide field looks to get Arizona GOP back on track against Rep. Mitchell
Merchants press Congress to lower fees on credit cards
Häagen-Dazs goes to Hill for honeybees, ice cream
Report: Telecom Companies Gave More to Dems Who Switched on FISA
Recess is no time to rest
Lobbying World
Protecting the Capitol
Lawmakers’ wrongful assault on Renewable Fuels Standard
Alternative energy: It’s good for you, for Mother Nature, and for economy
McCain & Conservatives
K Street in Brief
A first step to serve future generations: Unlock oil shale in Colo., Wyo. and Utah
Baird’s press aide uses Emmys as towel holders
Capitol Faces: Brandi McBride Lowell
Intern emancipates himself to better way of life
Michelle Obama Will Keynote Gay and Lesbian Leadership Gala
Tauscher not crabby like her meal
Meet the Lawmaker: Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.)
Conyers, Leahy blast DoJ for illegal hiring practices
100,000 SEIU Members to Volunteer in Campaigns
Obama Condemns Mugabe, Speaks With Tsvangirai
Tancredo Challenges McCain on Immigration
Magnolia growing blue
Webb to Hollywood: I’d Like to Think I’m Shrewder than Mr. Smith
Obama’s new strategy
Politics in primetime
Congress’s wrong approach to healthcare IT
Richardson challenger weighs write-in campaign
Rendell Mentions Clinton, Biden and Bayh as Possible Obama Running Mates
Anti-Bush Tour Bus Makes Its Debut
Pelosi Says Chet Edwards Should Be on Obama’s Veep Short List
A valley’s lesson in balancing nature, resources, way of life
From space, a valuable perspective on modern civilization’s prosperity
GAO: Pakistan gets terror funds with little oversight
Don’t make climate change policy that freezes out U.S. consumers, workers
Drilling can’t lower oil prices soon; focus on demand to cut costs today
Pawlenty Doubts That Japanese Will Get McCain’s $300 Million Car Battery Prize
Clinton welcomed back to the Senate
Cole Says Obama Is ‘Nixonian to the Core’
Richardson: Drill More, But Not Offshore
House Medicare bill gets veto-proof majority
GOP Congresswoman Tells Obama ‘Women Voters Won’t Just Get Over It’
MoveOn and Emily’s List Team Up to Back Congressional Dems
McCain wants U.S. government to go green
Pelosi on Clinton’s Campaign: ‘I
Senate advances housing bill by veto-proof margin
Klein: McCain Can’t Go With Top 3 Veep Picks
Try Anything
Stimulus package fails to boost consumer confidence
Misogyny Mythology
Pfledger’s Return to the Pulpit
McCain Ad Hits Obama on Broken Public Financing Pledge
Gibbs Takes on Rove over ‘Country Club’ Comment
White House vows veto of House Medicare bill
Democratic Convention on Demand, Simulcast in Spanish
Clinton Back in Senate
McCain Staffer: McCain is ‘Aware’ of the Internet
The Plank
Daily Kos
The Huffington Post
Drudge Report
The Corner
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