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The Hill Articles: November 4, 2008
November 4
Ensign: Political environment worse than Watergate
Out of the Ashes
Kennedy on Obama: ‘Americans Heard His Call for a New Generation’
DSCC-DCCC Rejoice at Obama Victory
McCain Concedes Election, Calls for Unity Behind Obama
John Lewis: I Never Thought
President-elect Obama
Clinton Hails Obama’s ‘Historic Victory’
Obama elected 44th president, McCain concedes
House Dems plus-six after taking Renzi, Davis seats
AP: Obama Has Won Florida
News Outlets Declare Obama the Next President
Ohio Secretary of State: No Reports of Voting Irregularities in Ohio
Palin’s Dad: ‘It Doesn’t Look Good’
House Dems plus-five with wins in IL, NY, NC
Murtha wins reelection despite controversial remarks
McCain Camp: Palin to Speak After 11 P.M.
Halvorson Takes Over Ill.-11 for Democrats from GOP
Networks: Obama Wins Iowa, McCain Takes Miss., Texas, Utah
Guthrie Holds Onto Ky.-02 for the GOP
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Calls Race for Obama
Rep. Shays Loses Bid For 11th Term
Hoyer sees Dems in control
Hoyer: Ohio ‘Pretty Much Makes It Over’
Shea-Porter Staves Off Former Rep. Bradley, 2006 Opponent
Dems increase Senate majority, but fall short of 60
Labor Officials Let Out Cheer for Hagan
AFL-CIO Leader Said Results Signal ‘A Progressive Revival’
Networks Call McConnell Victory
Rep. Goode Wins Reelection in Va.-05
Obama Wins New Mexico, His Second Red State
DeLay: Pelosi Will Rule Obama
House Dems get their man vs. Shays, are plus-two
Obama Wins Ohio, Narrowing McCain’s Options
Obama cruising to big night with red state wins
Ohio is Curtains
RNC Party Subdued
North Carolina Rebukes Dole
McCain Wins N.D., Kan., Wyoming; Obama Wins N.Y., Mich., Minnesota, Wis., R.I.
Fox Calls Kentucky Senate Race for McConnell
Dems Add to Caucus, Beating Keller in Fla.-08
McConnell wins, spares GOP major loss
Axelrod: ‘We’ve Waged a Truly National Campaign’
The Bradley Effect is Happening
The Polls Were Wrong
All Eyes on Florida
Shaheen Def. Sununu, According to Projections
McCain Takes Alabama, Arkansas and Georgia
MORRIS: Polls wrong, Bradley effect happening
Hagan defeats Dole; Senate Dems up five
Obama deals huge blow to McCain with win in PA
What We’re Looking at Right Now
The Scariest Socialist: Obama or Bush?
Networks Call Hagan over Dole
Rep. Souder Secures Reelection in Indiana-03
Obama Cleans Up on East Coast, McCain Takes Tenn., Okla.
Democrats’ D.C. Party Well-Attended
Contradictory Indications
Down-Ballot Races
Bush: ‘God bless whoever wins tonight’
MSNBC: Pennsylvania, New Hampshire Go for Obama
McConnell Cautions against Calling His Race Too Early
McCain to Press: ‘We’ve Had a Great Time’
MORRIS: Strange indications from Ind., Ky.
McCain Plane Has Hairy Landing
Contradictory Information from Indiana and Kentucky
Yarmuth Holds Off Northup in Kentucky’s 3rd
Warner is projected to win in Virginia
Voting hotline gets 3,000 complaints an hour
Mark Warner Projected Winner in Virginia
Kentucky for McCain, Vermont for Obama
Early Kentucky Results Indicate Big National Win for Obama
House races in IN, KY to be early indicators
MORRIS: Early exits point to big night for Obama
Early Extrapolating
Actor Tim Robbins Encounters Voting Difficulties in NYC
Lincoln … FDR … Kennedy … McCain … Obama …
Lieberman fears for country if Senate Dems get to 60
Exit Polls: Majority Opposes Bailout
Exit Polls: Most Think That Both Obama and McCain Will Raise Taxes
The Country is Ready for an American Black President
Candidates make final pitches, settle in for results
Exit Polls: 72 Percent of New Voters Go For Obama
Markets see Election Day comeback
More Exit Poll Data: Three Quarters of Country Believe It’s on Wrong Track
Lieberman ‘Fears’ 60 Democratic Votes in Senate
First Exit Polls: Economy Is Top Issue By Large Margin
Going on the Record
House races by state
Senate races by state
House Race 2008
House Races 2008
Senate Races 2008
Organized labor aids Obama in Ohio
Bush to Dine With Senior Staffers During Election Night
Obama’s appeal a worry for some Dems
Obama Ran Twice As Many Ads in Swing States in Final Month
McCain camp sees fraud, intimidation
Prediction Time: Good, Better, Blowout
Tricks, Not Treats — How Rumors Can Ruin the Democratic Process
Biden’s Granddaughter Plans Run for President
Beware the Exit Poll
Signs of Big Turnout in Philadelphia
High turnout reported in Pennsylvania
Senate Republicans ready for rocky night
Obama Backers Already Waiting at Grant Park
EMILY’s List Makes Final Push in N.C., N.H.
Obama Family Votes
McCain, Palin Cast Their Ballots
Schumer on Fox: Fairness Doctrine ‘fair and balanced’
Record turnout expected in battleground states
Karl Rove Projects Obama Victory
Election Day!
In TV Ad, Stevens Tries to Salvage 40-Year Career
The Corner
Ayers Casts Vote Shortly Before Obama Arrives at Precinct
The Weekly Standard
Daily Kos
The Plank
Drudge Report
The Huffington Post
Open Left
Plouffe: Obama has supporters to win
The Decline of the Isms
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