The Hill Articles: September 15, 2008

September 15
Paulson’s No-Show Irks Dodd Wall Street dominates presidential campaign Crisis spurs 2nd stimulus Fears of job losses afflict lobbyists too Senator No is facing his toughest foe, Senator O Lame-duck session gets more likely Freshmen are keeping Rangel’s money Lipstick on a campaign pig Centrist Democrats may expand their ranks, gain more influence in Senate GOP criticizes Pelosi energy bill, but may feel pressure to back it Abercrombie not afraid to shun Democrats’ party-line ‘religion’ Overshadowed by Palin in the media, Biden takes up role of ticket’s attacker Rep. Fossella offers ambiguous denial about seeking reelection NRSC debuts attack ads NRCC files complaint against 527s Keller trails in Dem’s internal poll Independent creeps up as Coleman, Franken fight Myers leads Adler in internal Local mayor set to replace Tubbs Jones Paolantonio to stump for Manion Medicare drug, health plan marketing rules toughened Trade advocate learned from Senate master Bottom Line Wall Street woes Christ not characterized by term ‘community organizer’ Understanding the beauty-queen politician Leave your scandal at the door: The more the merrier on honoring retiring lawmakers Special Reports: Finance DAY’S END ROUNDUP Obama fundraising team uses Rove remark Weyant’s World: September 16, 2008 Obama: Election Not about Pigs or Lipstick Obama and McCain Advisors Tussle Over Economy at Forum Obama ridicules McCain’s ‘change’ message Presidential Campaign History 101 Bill Clinton’s moment Obama demise prophecy American progress: Panel’s agenda centers on the economy, healthcare Rural counties hit especially hard by U.S.’s broken healthcare system What’s missing from ‘comprehensive’ housing reform Rangel meets with Pelosi Cluster initiatives could be firewall to curb job losses Financial literacy is the key to future economic success Obama Camp Tries to Raise Money Off of Rove Remark Reid hints at need for lame-duck session Obama and Palin Rail Against CEO’s ‘Golden Parachutes’ Fiorina: Tina Fey ‘Sexist’ Paulson says Americans can be ‘confident’ in banks Pelosi promises aid for Ike victims A Lesson in PR Monkey Dung Biden Lashes Into McCain for ‘Fundamentals Are Strong’ Remark ‘Hockey Moms for Truth’ Fossella offers ambiguous denial MIDDAY ROUNDUP Democrats look to new economic stimulus package Obama: McCain Shows ‘Lack of Interest’ in Issues Biden leads counteroffensive against McCain McCain: ‘The Fundamentals of Our Economy Are Strong’ Seize the Moment! Obama’s Turnaround Speech Poll: Most Think Palin Coverage Fair AMERICAblog Obama’s New Ad: Way Below the Belt RedState Uncharted Financial-Crisis Waters Foreclosures and Lehman Bros. Star in New McCain Ad Report: Fossella Trying to Get Back on Ballot Can Joe Biden Change a Diaper? Sarah Palin, Jim Webb, Andrew Jackson — Blame Mudcat MORNING READ The Huffington Post Drudge Report The Next Right The Corner TalkingPointsMemo MyDD Daily Kos Obama: Situation on Wall Street a ‘major threat’ Lipstick on Pigs and Other ‘Gotchas’: Time to Get Serious McCain Can’t Pose as Agent of Change Pre-VP Palin: No Need to ‘Live Without Earmarks’