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The Hill Articles: September 23, 2008
September 23
Pelosi won’t jump alone
Finish line is slipping away for Congress
Running mates hogging lion’s share of limelight
Bailout trips, market dips on mortgages
Amid financial mess, Republicans seeking to highlight energy, drilling
House Dems tighten credit card fee limits
Weyant’s World: September 24, 2008
Rep. Frank urges Library of Congress not to appeal discrimination lawsuit
Millions of acres could be opened for offshore drilling
Defense policy bill is set to go, but without Speaker Pelosi provision
General-election race dominated by apologies, policy shifts and lipstick
Reid: McCain to support bailout
Special Reports: Healthcare
Legislation You Don’t Have to Hold Your Nose to Pass
Door open for Fossella after GOP nomination not settled
Gingrich urges vote against bailout, labels $700 billion plan ‘dead loser’
Judge narrows potential jurors in Stevens’s trial
Blind aide raises the bar of expectations
Is there anything you’re superstitious about?
Oh yes, government
Proposed rule would protect doctors from discrimination
Dems’ likely Senate gains
McCain’s debate imperative
Rare Hill office caseworker takes on feds, leaves Wisconsin behind — like Favre did
Meet the Lawmaker: Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.)
Capitol Faces: Mark Busching
Bailout blues is whole new tune
As Washington confronts bailout, challengers foaming at the mouth
Seniors worry about finances
The race shifts back
‘Main Street’ advocates looking for their bailout
Infrastructure bills threatened by bailout plan
The benefits of blogging
Lobbying World
ERISA proposals do more harm than good
Women hit hard as companies shift health costs to employees
Inadequate reach of proven programs for treatment of many chronic diseases
Rural areas face doctor shortages, other challenges
Drug manufacturing outsourced to countries with weak safety standards
Polishing the crown jewel agency: justifiable funding boost
McCain’s plan better than Obama’s
Tax breaks, incentives are keys to good coverage
Time to hit the brakes on an epidemic — the deaths of 7 out of 10 Americans
Congress members must strive to keep the spotlight on lesser-known illnesses
Aetna applauds legislation on mental health coverage
Coleman Opens Up Lead in Minn. as Franken Goes to D.C.
Drilling our way to the future
Gates: Biggest threat coming from Pakistan
Reid Calls Out McCain on Bailout Measure
Tancredo Wants U.N. Off U.S. Soil
Obama sets conditions for supporting bailout
Kryzan up on Lee in DCCC Poll
McCainWorld: Return to Good and Evil
Inhofe: Senate Will Likely Block Paulson’s Bailout
Financial Lobbyists Warn against Bankruptcy Provisions in Bailout Bill
Gingrich urges vote against ‘stupid’ Paulson plan
Obama Hits McCain for Owning 13 Cars, One Foreign
Bush assures world leaders on U.S. economy
Rohrabacher Says Forcing Cox Resignation is ‘Dishonest’
Pence: Wasserman-Schultz and I Are ‘Real’ Friends
Republicans express more skepticism on bailout plan
Paulson says economy’s future depends on bailout
Political donations from women spike
White House says delaying bailout is ‘unthinkable’
Reid: Extended session more likely
Clinton: I Predicted Wall Street Crisis in 2007
The Race Card?
Obama says domestic plans may have to be ‘phased in’
RSC pitches ‘market-based’ alternative to bailout
McCain Ad Knocks Obama and Dems’ Leadership on Market Crisis
Financial Crisis: Confused and Angry McCain Lashes Out
Obama Ad: McCain Trip ‘More Than a Vacation’
Judge warns Stevens about missing court days
The Huffington Post
Drudge Report
The Next Right
The Corner
Daily Kos
The Surgeon
No Blank Check for Wall Street
The Fourth Turning … The End of Things and a Beginning
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