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The Hill Articles: April 28, 2009
April 28
Specter’s defection reshapes Senate
Bloggers on Specter: Right furious, left wary
Snowe, Collins warn GOP to wake up
Hoyer: Obama rises to the challenge
Bold, swift partner in Oval Office
Specter switch roils electoral landscape in Pa. and nationwide
House Dems emboldened by Specter’s party switch
Labor in, now that Specter’s out
Obama out of the gate: bold, aggressive moves
Pelosi: now we don’t have to ‘explain process’
Rep. Waters urges Bank of America action
Senate confirms health nominee Sebelius
Special Report: First 100 Days
Intelligence panel Dems huddle with Pelosi
On spending reform, Obama is off to a sluggish start
Signs of his success and our greatness
Continuation of fiscal irresponsibility
Rep. Frelinghuysen delivers earmarks for ex-aide’s firm
Pork lobby fighting off flu effects
Hospitals sit front and center in health debate
Lobbying World
Costly cap
Home support
Lobbyists worry new restrictions violate rights
Obama sows seeds of demise
Dem leaders target spending to mollify centrists
Weyant’s World: April 29, 2009
The right’s 100-day daze
NRCC: Say ‘good riddance’ to Specter by contributing
Announcements – April 29, 2009
Like GOP, Dems struggle to woo top-notch recruits
Pete Sessions ladles on a special sauce
Wide support for EFCA’s principles
More drama from lawmakers
20 questions: Michael A. Smerconish
Obama’s Gamble Paid Off
Specter shockwave
Lawmakers insincere, gutless on Mexico border clampdown
Senators issue health reform policy options
Graham: GOP must grow, not shrink
Steele: Specter ‘flipped the bird’ at Republicans
THE BIG QUESTION, April 28: Obama’s First 100 Days
Reid kept Specter talks top secret
Specter: Party switch ‘combination of factors’
Sestak elaborates: Specter’s decision was all about winning
First U.S. swine flu deaths?
Reid: my caucus didn’t know
Toomey makes Twitter appearance
Obama willing to raise money, campaign for Specter
Time for Some Speech Training?
McConnell: Specter defection a ‘threat to the country’
Specter: Decision to switch was politically motivated
An interesting theory
First Lady celebrates Sojourner Truth
Obama asks for $1.5 billion for swine flu
Hoffa met with Specter on Monday
Strengthening OSHA to Protect America’s Workers (Rep. George Miller)
Lieberman ‘enthusiastically’ welcomes Specter
Enabling Veterans to Care for their Special Needs Children (Rep. Bill Foster)
Like Money, Party-Switching Doesn’t Solve All Your Problems — The Four Reasons Why
Sestak refuses to rule out Senate run against Specter
Specter: ‘This is a complicated day for me’
Analysis: Specter’s win resonates in other states
Specter’s pollster resigns
Dems gleeful, GOP stunned over Specter
Toomey: Specter has always been more like a Dem
Was Snowe asked to switch as well?
Huckabee goes after Specter decision
Specter move caught GOP leaders by surprise
Specter having tough time finding lunch buddies
Using TARP Funds to Help Families Stay in Their Homes (Rep. Dina Titus)
Cornyn: Specter’s switch is ‘political self-preservation’
Reid: Specter switch part of a ‘long dialogue’
Polis: “Specter (?-PA)”
Thompson: Specter would’ve gotten his ‘fanny beat’
Steele: ‘Left-wing’ Specter switch for political reasons
No Specter of Courage
Specter had been discussing switch for three weeks
Sen. Harkin: ‘I just want to say welcome’ to Specter
Specter switch shocks Dem colleagues
White House supports Specter
Specter had disavowed a switch
Labor excited on Specter news, despite EFCA words
Sen. Specter bolts GOP, becomes Democrat
BREAKING: Specter to switch parties
Swine flu developments
How much did the NYC flight cost?
The next NYC fly-over meme
Another Republican to challenge Inglis
Frequently Asked Questions about the Pig Flu (Rep. Mike Conaway)
Feingold grades Obama well, except on secrecy
Supreme Court upholds FCC fines for ‘fleeting expletives’
Bill Clinton emails for Macker
SD SoS to run for Herseth’s seat?
Dodd: White House help sought on health reform
Shelby predicts centrist Dems may balk on healthcare
Paul on swine flu: calm down, everyone
Foxx asks: W.W.J.A.D.?
Clyburn: Reconciliation use appropriate for healthcare
Guantanamo decision ill-conceived (Rep. Charlie Dent)
Cloudy Skies for Climate Change Bill
Plouffe touts new 100 Day website
NOM teams up with Miss California
This Equal Pay Day, It’s Time to Get Even!
Housing decline shows signs of slowing
Is Sen. McCaskill in hot water?
Cheney Cherry-Picks Again
Gregg: Obama embracing Chavez’s poltics
A partisan divide on…Colbert?
Israeli soldier’s dad asking Washington for help
Douthat makes NYTimes debut
Obama’s Gift Gaffes Continue
Obama’s New American Century
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
Daily Beast
The Corner
The Foundry
Matthew Yglesias
A Jim Traficant getting-out-of-jail bash!
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