The Hill Articles: August 20, 2009

August 20
Rep. Boren promises to shave his head if he votes yes on health reform Special interests battle for climate-change ground Obama drops by immigration meeting, promises reform Democrats continue attacks on insurance industry Justice clears Oracle’s purchase of Sun Microsystems ‘One way or another,’ Obama guarantees reform Clunkers, healthcare Twitter trending topics DAY’S END ROUNDUP Shelby: defeating Obama on healthcare in GOP’s political interest ‘Cash for clunkers’ program to end Monday Evaluating Rep. Etheridge American Conservative Union launches town hall road trip across America NRSC outraised DSCC in July Corker suggests Afghanistan’s voter rules better than in U.S. Obama healthcare live-tweets: The list Montel’s daughter urges Congress to serve more veggies Republicans set healthcare bar: 80 votes Obama: everything gets ‘wee-weed’ up in D.C. in August TOP TWEETS Cassidy: Dems who ‘go it alone’ without GOP go it alone without America OFA to live-tweet healthcare strategy session with Obama Governors seek to check Pentagon’s authority Rep. Hill: Healthcare opponents ‘lying’ Kennedy opens dialogue on his replacement Bayh will have to ‘evaluate’ card check stance Reid pressures Obama administration to hasten ‘Clunkers’ refunds Obama’s NASCAR Moment Reid pressures Obama administration to hasten ‘Clunkers’ refunds MIDDAY ROUNDUP The lion’s roar: Ted Kennedy moves to save healthcare Cleaver willing ‘to push reset button’ on healthcare Leading Blue Dog: Covering uninsured not top priority of health reform Obama’s NASCAR moment Foreclosures expected to peak at end of 2010 Conrad says ‘many’ Republican senators open to co-ops DC’s most powerful woman is…. Ensign: Clinton’s affair was worse Cantor: White House in ‘chaos’ over healthcare GOP congressman: co-ops would only lead to public option White House ‘deeply regrets’ Pan Am bomber’s release Al Gore to host Nashville premiere of ‘Inglorious Basterds’ Ensign: my affair isn’t as bad as Clinton’s Study on Binge Drinking Among Elderly Highlights Need for Access to Mental Health Services White House ‘deeply regrets’ release of Pan Am bomber Mich. GOPer: Obama ‘holding back’ info from Congress on Gitmo move Kennedy looks to ensure quick successor in Senate: Report MORNING READ Huffington Post Drudge Report Daily Beast Justice reviewing Microsoft-Yahoo deal Michelle Malkin Talking Points Memo TalkLeft Minority Report Washington Independent AMERICAblog NewMajority