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The Hill Articles: December 10, 2009
December 10
Bipartisan Senate group wants more energy manufacturing credits
Boehner will force vote on ending TARP on Friday
Carper: Dems preparing alternative to ‘Cadillac’ tax
Palin: Obama’s Nobel speech ‘sounded really familiar’
Enviros upset with oil drilling in Senate climate plan
Lieberman: Fight over healthcare compromise ‘ain’t over’
Omnibus includes carbon ‘audit,’ other global warming measures
Cantor to Obama: Veto omnibus, or break campaign pledge
Slaughter wants tax law change to hamper Verizon merger
Conrad concerned by parts of Senate health compromise
Pelosi: House intends to raise debt ceiling
Senate Republicans object to weekend recess rumors
King still pressing for info from Social Secretary
Lawmakers cheer measure forcing automakers into arbitration with dealers
Specter to raise money for primary-neutral Carney
Herron’s book was endorsed by Frist
What’s wrong with the politics of color?
Justice announces biggest environmental clean-up settlement ever
We owe our veterans more job opportunities (Rep. Steve Buyer)
Survey: Work and family responsibility behind college dropout rate
Reid cancels New Orleans fundraiser
Dems say climate change ‘deniers’ like ‘teabaggers,’ swiftboaters, people who don’t believe smoking causes cancer
10,000 dead from swine flu
Pelosi signals interest in Senate Dems’ healthcare compromise
House Democrats pass $447B omnibus
Senate climate compromise wins praise from White House
GAO: FCC’s wireless oversight not up to par
Senators offer Copenhagen boost
Wilson launches bill to audit stimulus
79 percent of NRA members believe Obama will ban gun sales
Time to lower drug prices (Sen. Byron Dorgan)
Senate Environment and Public Works markup a “zoo”
Shield law clears Senate committee hurdle
Waxman: College football bill not likely headed for endzone
One financial standard to protect consumers across the U.S.
Wallace is first Dem to run for Baird’s seat
Life-sized puppets to be in front of Department of Energy tomorrow morning
Levin likely to support Dems healthcare compromise
Army-Navy football rivalry heats up on Twitter
Soros: $100 billion in IMF-held reserves could battle climate change
Actor Jon Voight will make appearance in Alexandria Sunday
The Big Question: Will President Obama’s Nobel prize speech help him back home?
Burgess calls for ‘safe schools’ czar to resign
Burgess calls for ‘safe schools’ czar to resign
A call to arms for civil rights activists
GOP leads Dems among likely voters in generic ballot
In quest for more conservative Senate, DeMint endorses Williams in Texas
Boehner endorses Obama’s Afghanistan strategy
Current healthcare legislation: Bad medicine for Hispanics
Speaker Pelosi: We would do ‘almost anything’ to pass healthcare this year
WH, Dems showing support in debt commission, says Voinovich
Interior agency sizes up carbon storage in forests and soils
Sanders to introduce amendment stripping ‘Cadillac’ tax from Senate bill
Michelle Obama Named Most ‘Fascinating’ Person of 2009
DeMint backs Michael Williams in Texas
Rep. Carney backs insurgent candidate in Gerlach’s district
Steele: Claims GOP is stalling healthcare ‘are right’
House liberals ‘waiting’ on Senate health plan details
The end is nigh
Replica state dinner menus offered in New York, Chicago
Attacking the wrong team
Bloomberg buys New Energy Finance
Rubio: I would have accepted stimulus dollars
Turkish ambassador quits days after prime minister’s U.S. visit
Only two names to appear on GOP ballot in Foster’s district
Chamber pushes Dems to cut new financial regulator’s powers
Nelson town hall disrupter sentenced to anger management
Kerry, Graham, Lieberman climate comments en route
Bleep! Rep. Grayson tells Cheney to ‘STFU’
Congress thrown for another loss
McChrystal: Afghan debate ‘over-focused on the numbers’
The secret healthcare deal
Kentucky Dems blame loss on national issues
Specter beating Sestak by 13 in new poll
Congress’ bad record of passing appropriations bills shows need for budget process reform
DeMint: Republican leaders have ‘gone to the left’
Wyden, Collins team up on healthcare amendments
Veterans starting to get back pay
President Obama accepts Nobel Prize with ‘deep gratitude and great humility’
Campaign update: GOP pursues Baird seat, struggles to recruit for Melancon’s
Obama makes the security case for emissions cuts
Lawmakers want to expand cell phone use to more U.S. subway systems
Fincher advances in Young Guns program
Pres. Obama fields question on whether Nobel prize win was ‘premature’
Drudge Report
The Huffington Post
The Corner
Red State
The Washington Independent
High-skilled immigration to be addressed in Schumer-Graham bill
Gates makes unexpected stop in Iraq
Limbaugh vs. McConnell: GOP leader targeted by conservative groups
Ethics panel’s slow pace on probes has lawmakers fuming
Louisiana redistricting worries potential Republican candidates for House seat
Race-switchers abound as candidates look for winnable contests
Regulators fight over $125M in loan fraud
Lawmakers want to expand cell usage
Arbitration between auto-dealers and makers on fast track
The Real World – Copenhagen
Liberals say bill falls short on job-creation measures, projects
Weyant’s World December 10, 2009
Senators await price tag on health bill
Destination Denmark: Political scuffle breaks out over Pelosi’s delegation
Little-known federal agency could shoulder big healthcare responsibility
House Dems reach deal on regulatory reform after threats by party centrists
The story behind the search engine
The Secret Service: First to take blame, first to take a bullet
What’s on your nightstand: Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.)
Democrats blow the golden moment
McMahon’s greatest regret: Never having been a staffer
Puerto Rico aims to torpedo deal it couldn’t win for itself
Jenny Sanford: ‘I knew he was having an affair’
Sen. Orrin Hatch writes a Hannukah song
House approves extension of biodiesel credit that industry calls vital
Boehner corrects Obama: I drink wine, not eggnog
How Dems can rebound
Emanuel Cleaver gives one hell of a lesson
Needless climate regulation
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