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The Hill Articles: December 16, 2009
December 16
Questions abound on Gitmo transfers
Sanders says ‘as of this point’ he won’t vote for healthcare bill
U.S. pledges $1 billion in Copenhagen to fight deforestation
Coburn: GOP will make ‘several more’ attempts to derail health bill
Meek strikes a pose at party for supermodel Hilary Rhoda
Pawlenty: I won’t make endorsements in 2010 primaries
White House garden blooms year-round
Future unclear for debt-reduction commission amendment
MPAA’s Cavaliere moves to Microsoft
House votes 218-214 for short-term debt ceiling increase
Steele to Obama: ‘Where do you get off?’
Critics disappointed with broadband plan outline
Baucus: Dems will work Christmas Day to pass healthcare bill
House passes defense bill 395-30
Constituents tell McCaskill she will ‘go to hell’
Glory Days: Altmire recalls his season with FSU football coach Bobby Bowden
Obama: Gov. ‘will go bankrupt’ without health reform
The decline of the almighty dollar
Tighter security rules on the way for staffers’ laptops, Blackberrys
Sanders rails on Bernanke, calls for new Fed nominee
AOL to open Washington lobbying office
Pollster: 2010 could be year of ‘the angry white male’ heading into elections
Sanders ‘not on board yet’ for health bill
Access to abortion already imperiled for those who need it most
Durbin, Menendez: Bill reading could threaten defense spending, unemployment insurance
64 percent oppose moving Gitmo prisoners to U.S.
Sanders withdraws single-payer healthcare bill amendment
Obama calls Cunningham
Bond fears the EPA will ‘starve’ Midwesterns
FCC wants set-top boxes to be Internet gateway
McCain and King lobby Obama to pardon first black heavyweight champion boxer
Pelosi: ‘I’m in campaign mode’
White House takes on liberals over disputes on Senate health reform bill
DeMint joins GOP effort to grind health debate to a halt
DeMint joins GOP effort to grind health debate to a halt
Rockefeller slams Dean: ‘Nonsense,’ ‘irresponsible’
FTC sues Intel over anti-competitive tactics
Johnson recommends Viagra for microphone malfunction
Cantor grades Obama: ‘Incomplete’
Michael Moore calls for boycott of Connecticut
Obama wants $5 billion more for clean energy manufacturing
Michael Moore calls for boycott of Connecticut
Merkley will vote against Bernanke
Wyden: GOP will be popping champagne if health bill fails
Howard Dean versus the White House
McConnell: ‘Highly likely’ all GOP senators will oppose health bill
Senate GOP forces reading of 767-page healthcare amendment
Union pulls back on supporting bill
‘You lie!’ makes list of year’s top quotes
Sen. Kerry wavers on backing for cap-and-trade bill in Copenhagen
Oversight Republicans debut web video hitting Obama’s Afghan strategy
Republican sens. slow health debate; Sanders’s amendment read aloud
Obama and Wen Jiabao
Blumenauer bakes 264 fruitcakes; hand delivers them around Capitol Hill
Reinforcing Burr’s vulnerability
Ron Paul: Bernanke deserves ‘Person of the Year’ honor
Cantwell sees bipartisan support for bank breakup bill
MLB pitcher spends off-season as D.C. intern
Illinois deserves better than this (Rep. Peter Roskam)
Weiner calls out Obama
The Big Question: Should liberals scuttle Senate health deal?
The Obama holiday card
RNC plans rally to mark Boston Tea Party anniversary
Poll: Other countries look to Obama to break climate stalemate
Rep. Zenon Christodolou?
Abortion looms for Lowden
U.S.-China ‘transparency’ fight reaches Capitol Hill
Manzullo: No Gitmo in my district
Ben’s Chili Bowl owner uneasy with healthcare reform
Sen. Kerry says ‘amateur hour is over’
Ellison staffer Rick Jauert’s Christmas card with ‘Mrs. Jauert’
Poll: Other countries believe Obama can lead climate change movement
FTC sues Intel for competition tactics
Poll: Majority want climate accord, but economic doubts remain
Huffington Post
Drudge Report
Bernanke is Time’s ‘Person of the Year’
Sarah Palin
Hot Air
Speaker Pelosi to shield vulnerable members from controversial votes
Incumbents from both parties may require their own bailouts
Financial industry takes heat but spends $20M on ’10 campaigns
Democrats’ threats to hold healthcare reform hostage dominate the debate
House drops plan to package jobs bill with defense measure
Race becomes an issue during campaign for Obama’s old Illinois Senate seat
What’s ‘Out’ from 2009 and what’s ‘In’ for 2010
Weyant’s World: December 16, 2009
Liberals grit their teeth and gather behind healthcare reform bill
Carbon tariff dispute in Copenhagen
U.S.-China Copenhagen fight key to Capitol Hill climate change debate
Landrieu ready to move healthcare ‘forward before holiday recess’
Weiner calls for traffic data contract to be re-bid
San Francisco, Pentagon to meet on possible Treasure Island deal
CAO recommends tighter security rules for House laptops, wireless devices
Japan ‘clunkers’ angers many in U.S.
How the White House stole transparency
Lobbying World
Mulling the Muhlenberg message
Revisiting the G-d gap
Health bill has no clothes
Eyes turn to Texas
Fight over Air Force tanker gets personal
Dems’ exits, ’10 landscape
Stepping into the biopolicy breach
Barney Frank’s bill
A catastrophe waiting to happen
Feingold: I would have liked a stronger healthcare bill
To create jobs, try modern economic medicine
Markey plans hearing on Exxon’s XTO purchase
Announcements – December 16, 2009
Soda tax plan falls flat
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