The Hill Articles: December 28, 2009

December 28
Report sees global ‘smart grid’ spending boom Google purchase comes under fire Obama signs bill raising U.S. debt ceiling DAY’S END ROUNDUP Obama pledges ‘thorough review’ of anti-terrorism security measures Anti-BCS group claims Fiesta Bowl staffers pushed to donate Talking with responsible pension investment expert Thomas Croft Top tech buzzwords of 2009 Obama implores Iran to ‘respect the rights of its own people’ after protests An insufficient response Obama pledges ‘thorough review’ in wake of attempted airline bombing Wall Street sees security winning out over privacy after failed bombing TOP TWEETS Sparks to decide on Griffith challenge in coming days McCain scolds administration on latest Iran crackdown McCain scolds administration on latest Iran crackdown S.C. attorney general: Medicaid deal could ‘represent corruption’ White House criticizes construction of new E. Jerusalem settlements Iowa Gov. recognizes state’s birthday, but where’s Sen. Grassley? Attack re-opens privacy vs. safety debate MIDDAY ROUNDUP ‘Tis three days after Christmas 2010 rising karma: Palin, Perry, Romney, William Daley. Palin will be nominee. Senate Homeland Security panel to hold hearing on failed attack Napolitano: System ‘did not work in this instance’ Blue Dog expects more centrist Dems to announce retirement before midterms Republican lawmaker: U.S. could buy support of Afghanistan’s tribal leaders Obama to offer statement on Flight 253 GOP accuses White House of ‘stonewalling’ terror attempt inquiries GOP accuses White House of ‘stonewalling’ terror attempt inquiries Gallup: 2009’s political winners, losers Obama’s FCC named one of the seven most ‘disruptive developments’ of 2009 Foolish congressional accounting The Big Question: Did ‘the system work’ ? Candidate launches anti-bailout ad in N.Y. Pence: GOP needs principled conservatives to win in 2010 Huffington Post Drudge Report contentions Right Wing News Daily Kos Crooks and Liars China amends renewables law – is the U.S. far behind? MORNING READ Obama’s ‘team of rivals’ Cabinet living out the president’s ‘no drama’ mantra Financial groups call on regulators to narrow new policy against kickbacks