The Hill Articles: December 9, 2009

December 9
Reid working with Republican leaders to recess for weekend Citigroup poised to repay TARP bailout funds McSlarrow: Net neutrality would hinder, not help, free speech Clock is ticking on appliance standards enforcement, Energy Department warns. Plus, another loan guarantee. Baird to retire Rep. Grayson tells Cheney to ‘STFU’ Nelson: Senate Dems discussed inclusion of House abortion language in health bill Pingree welcomes consumer protection amendments Inglis tweets support for TARP amendment Copenhagen codel: Hoyer, others may join speaker in Denmark FCC disputes stimulus numbers Melancon pressures Vitter on Medicaid funding DAY’S END ROUNDUP Rep. McMahon’s greatest regret: never having been a staffer House committee issues subpoenas for White House gatecrashers Black Caucus members ask Rangel to stay out of Caribbean rum dispute No impeachment for Sanford; censure recommended TOP TWEETS Tax credit extended by one year GOP lawmaker sees no Republican votes for financial overhaul Party crashers subpoeaned to testify; Rogers escapes A new plan for the Air Force energy diet Landrieu, Lincoln: No ‘compromise’ made on health bill College football playoffs bill passes subcommittee VIDEO: Gore: Global warming is ‘like gravity: It exists.’ Cleaver gives one ‘hell’ of a lesson Carville’s advice for Tiger: ‘Shut up’ Coulson gets former Gov. Edgar’s backing Lawmakers: Pelosi to lead delegation to climate-change summit in Copenhagen Gibbs: Obama knows he’s no Gandhi Gore: Republican leaders in a ‘global warming denier posture’ Gibbs confirms Obama ‘reached out and touched’ Conyers Mark Penn’s firms received stimulus money for DTV campaign Obama supports Senate efforts to find compromise on public insurance option Feingold concerned about public option compromise McConnell: Public option compromise not ‘relevant’ Obama to GOP: ‘Stop trying to frighten the American people’ MIDDAY ROUNDUP Recovering Our Stolen Children House to hold hearings on breach of TSA screening guidelines Medicare for all Republicans seek House vote on climate science The Palin paradox Poll: Americans view Congress as unethical, dishonest Hatch pens Hanukkah song Lawmaker drops effort to honor Tiger Woods with Congressional Gold Medal Boehner corrects Obama — on beverage choice Senate Democrats threaten to clip Obama’s credit card Lawmaker drops push to give Tiger Woods Congressional Gold Medal Cheney says Obama playing into al Qaeda strategy The Big Question: Should Pres. Obama boycott Copenhagen? Kerry calls Pakistan main focus of U.S. Companies ask Congress to make R&D tax credit permanent The wheels come off Tiger’s wagon Boehner corrects Obama — on beverage choice Wilson tweets support for stimulus audit bill Plouffe backs Fisher over Brunner Wilson tweets support for stimulus audit bill Profile: think tank challenges green economy orthodoxy Obama appoints former Palin staffer to administration post Obama names picks for electricity, natural gas pipeline posts Lieberman ‘encouraged’ by Dems’ new healthcare compromise Bachmann: ACORN could regulate the financial sector Memo to Copenhagen: Commentary is misinformed—China’s commitment is significant The healthcare bill’s take on technology Levin: New Afghan troop deployments ‘undermine’ goal Former Bush insiders still influence climate change debate Can Congress keep America storm resistant? Obama backs re-importation, FDA wary Barletta to try for third time vs. Kanjorski Treasury extends TARP Hatch writes a Hannukah song Gillibrand ready to welcome 18th woman to Senate Lowden: Health care is Reid’s Waterloo Gates: Making space for more troops in Afghanistan will be ‘tough’ Steele fires back at Reid for ‘slavery’ analogy Rep. Stupak: Arguments against abortion amendment are mostly ‘scare tactics’ Drudge Report The Huffington Post The Corner Ezra Klein Pajamas Media The U.S. and China: Who will blink? The Washington Independent Building a broadband future MORNING READ Democrats may need to invest more money in their N.C. Senate pick Tough road for Rangel on tax push Bailout for Main Street Mark Penn’s two firms awarded millions from stimulus for public relations work Gen. McChystal: The U.S. can’t defeat al-Qaeda unless we capture bin Laden $446.8B ‘minibus’ moves forward Senate Democrats claim ‘broad agreement’ on public option Reactions to Coakley’s win Coakley coasting to easy win in Mass. Senate Dem. primary Mass. special: Brown takes GOP nod, Coakley up big early Senators huddle on climate plans. Plus . . . another Murkowski-EPA battle looming? Sen. Kerry: Reid to start climate debate after finishing financial reform bill Religion and labor key in Illinois Senate race Dems defend Reid’s slavery remarks Republican critics prep for Copenhagen Have a drink and share the sacrifice Lawmakers turn debate over regulatory reform into campaign issue Climate debate re-energized A speculation tax would make Wall Street pay for damages Time for a public option bank Tea Party poll results may mislead Obama leads a surge — and the country 701: New look, new chef, great food FDA opposes Senate drug importation amendment offered to healthcare bill King working to get WH social secretary’s testimony Landrieu staffer finds virtual footing in D.C. Commonsense solutions for sustainable job growth Proposed changes to finance reform bill splits business