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The Hill Articles: February 11, 2009
February 11
Pelosi, Reid reach $789B stimulus deal
Rahm’s fingerprints all over package, tactics
LaHood back to pressure skeptical GOP colleagues
Behind Closed Doors
Solis affidavit moves Labor bid forward
‘There is No Agreement,’ Dem Lawmaker Says
Committees request more money, citing staffers’ heavy workloads
GOP senators in no hurry for Minn. seat to be filled
Tejada pleads guilty to lying to investigators
Weyant’s World: February 12, 2009
Not Howard Dean
Obama wise not to let Gregg oversee the decennial census
GOP trio in the Senate could help Obama pass much of his agenda
Ayers brings military discipline to job
Israeli elections unlikely to threaten peace process
Obama hails stimulus agreement
Some Questions on McCain
Republicans are wagering heavily on stimulus as major 2010 issue
Slamming the stimulus
What is the Price of Change?
White House defends Geithner’s bailout plan
Obama on the march
Science projects would boost ailing economy now
House members grill bank execs on TARP
Forest group cuts staff
Bill would mandate rest periods between deployments
Unions warn Wall Street to back off
Lawson Confirms He Will Primary Boyd
Florida Senate poll shows Crist annihilating field
Stimulus a Mixed Bag for Cancer Patients
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Is Good Law, Allows for Commonsense Guidelines
Peanut Execs Withdraw into Shells in Testimony
Consumers Urge a Quick Plan: A Moratorium During the Interim
New York Reps: Don’t Kill Citi Stadium Deal
Rep. Skelton: Engaged, full of wisdom on love
Liberals in love: It’s the Democrats’ year for finding mates, too
A defining moment in world history
What gift would you like for Valentine’s Day?
Contest goes to the dogs, some charge
Early Field Cloudy in N.H. 2010 Senate Race
Solis committee vote moves ahead
We must make good on the promise of access to broadband for everyone
The DTV Delay Act: Necessary step for protecting consumers
The costs of postponing the digital TV transition
Wyden Coy on Vetting for Vacant HHS Cabinet Post
Fulfilling our responsibility to the country’s emergency first-responders: Yield airwaves
Unemployment Hits Small Businesses
A blueprint for reforming the FCC
Murphy Up with NY-20’s First Ad
Nuclear group taps new CEO
Health Funding Is Stimulus, Infectious Diseases Experts Say
Senate confirms Pentagon nominee Lynn
Tejada pleads guilty to lying to investigators
Legalization Groups Warm to Reported Drug Czar Pick
DC Voting Rights Bill Advances
Why Healthcare Can’t Wait (Rep. John Dingell)
Reid Plugs Vegas, Defends Obama on Senate Floor
Geithner offers senators few bailout details
Boehner Maxes Out to Coleman, Joining GOP-ers
Conant Survives RNC Purge
Jindal will respond to Obama’s joint address
Bredesen Out of the Running for HHS?
DCCC sees challenges in 2010
Barton Ticked About Stimulus Deliberations
N.Y. special election likely to be March 31
2012 Watch: Jindal Hits Primetime
Stabenow not interested in HHS post
Sen. Baucus: Stimulus deal close
More Of The Same
Bailed-out bankers in the House hot seat
Press pressure Maine members to support stimulus
Terry: Televise House/Senate Stimulus Conference
Dems’ challenge in 2010: holding the line
CNN Nabs Jaconi from
Barney Frank Tells Banks: Pay Up, or Shut Up
Inclusion A Must for GOP Revitalization
Congress Reportedly Near Deal on Stimulus
Poll: Jury still out on Burris
Televise the House-Senate Negotiations (Rep. Tom Price)
McCain Seeks Support for Reelection Bid
Plurality of Pennsylvanians Say Specter Should Go
DCCC: House Dems Face Historic Challenges in 2010
The Heart of the Matter: Keynes vs. Hayek
GOP Has a Stimulus Plan, Cantor Maintains
Transparency In Legislation through 72 Hours of Online Availability
Changing the Ill-Gotten Gain Game
FAA Needs Its Funds To Operate (Rep. Jerry Costello)
GOP senators to raise funds for Coleman
New Ad Targets Stimulus Opponents, Using Cantor
Healthcare Coalition Names Influential New CEO
Talent won’t run for Missouri Senate seat
Hope and President Obama
Ads target House, Senate GOP on stimulus
Timothy Geithner vs. Mark Sanford, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina — Arnold’s Last chance
Help Wanted: Wall Street Execs for Michael Moore Film
From The Detroit News — Originally published Wednesday, Feb. 11
From The Charlotte (N.C.) Observer — Originally published Wednesday, Feb. 11
Open Left
The Corner
Daily Kos
The ‘Just Say No’ Party
The Huffington Post
Drudge Report
Hot Air
Obama Denounces D.C. Bubble
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