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The Hill Articles: July 23, 2009
July 23
Deadline push dropped after health momentum fizzles
Dems demand more coordination from leaders
Cop comment throws message off track
Michigan lawmakers look to Gitmo for stimulus
United States to press China at summit to reduce exports and boost domestic spending
N.Y. GOP nominates new kind of Republican
Dems lose top contender for McHugh seat
To protect veterans, Congress must close biologics loophole
Liberals uneasy about dimming prospects for public plan option
Dems mull skipping panel, bringing healthcare to floor
Boehner says GOP health alternative is coming
The sky’s the limit: Point of View has room to grow
Summer times, cool wines
Senate kills engine funds, handing Obama 2nd win
House members who served in the Peace Corps find common ground
Wait grows on OMB’s regulatory review
PAYGO will force Congress to be good stewards of taxpayer money (Rep. Lincoln Davis)
PAYGO Is the Way to Go (Rep. Michael McMahon)
Reid tweet: On healthcare ‘I want to get it done promptly’
House-passed “PAYGO” bill won’t work (Rep. Virginia Foxx)
Brown deems Democrat “PAYGO” bill a ploy and demands real fiscal responsibility (Rep. Henry Brown)
DeMint on health bill delay: ‘Your voices are being heard’
Pay-Go does nothing to curb Washington’s appetite for taxpayer dollars
(Rep. Mac Thornberry)
Lawmakers headed to Honduras this weekend
Warner: Healthcare postponement beyond recess ‘is OK’
Weyant’s World: July 24, 2009
Expending popularity
GOP Drago vs. reform
Obama defends remarks about Gates arrest
Chaffetz plugs own appearance in CNN special
Help Me Fight for a Public Option (Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand)
Sebelius downplays healthcare delay
Ayotte visits Washington
Kyl on health care delay: ‘Reality’
N.J. state cabinet member resigns in wake of corruption scandal
DNC warns of ‘doing nothing’ on health in nat’l TV ad
An honor to support troops, their families
Protect everyone, not just president, from EMP attack
Obama ‘comfortable’ with Reid’s announced healthcare delay
Guam and the security of our nation
VA, DOD must improve exchange of medical records
New G.I. Bill: long-term investment in veterans
While Obama rallies, health bill given breathing room
Ohio gov. boosts Obama agenda on Twitter
Obama ignorant of future threats
Poll: Slim majority says Obama a ‘partisan Democrat’
VIDEO: DeMint strikes back
Police union condemns Obama’s comments
PAYGO will help rein in spending (Rep. Hank Johnson)
Boehner encouraging overtures to centrist Dems
CBC Chair: Gates’ arrest shows ‘racism that continues to exist’
We need an energy revolution (Sen. Bernie Sanders)
Murtha: Healthcare reform will hit floor next week
Police union condemns Obama’s comments
NRA to score Sotomayor vote
NRA watching — and remembering — Sotomayor vote
Senate Dems push healthcare to September
Senators nix second Joint Strike Fighter engine
Pelosi ‘more confident than ever’ about healthcare
House GOP report calls ACORN ‘criminal enterprise’
Health insurance reform means stable costs and secure choices for every American (Rep. Russ Carnahan)
Simmons uses fake Dodd Twitter to tout lead in polls
AARP, unions target Blue Dogs on healthcare
Ohio state Rep. to run against Schmidt
Freshman senators back Baucus on healthcare
Reid bends on healthcare deadline
Pelosi backs off recess healthcare deadline
Time to restore fiscal responsibility to government (Rep. Ed Whitfield)
EMILY’s List backs Buchanan in CA-10
RNC stays on offensive, tweets healthcare questions for WH
Dems’ PAY-GO bill falls short of addressing rising deficits, debt (Rep. Cynthia Lummis)
Key centrist Dem: Deal on health bill still ‘months away’
No final decision on when to close House smoking rooms
Schumer raps Chamber of Commerce
Staff hired for possible run at N.H. Senate seat
Pelosi: ‘I’m not afraid of August’
U.S. will say its economy has ‘fundamentally changed’ in talks with China
McCaskill says no to gun amendment on basis of states rights
VIDEO: DNC airs ad on DeMint in South Carolina
Obama Creates His Own Distraction, Sets Back Healthcare Legislation
Chamber of Commerce backs Sotomayor
Mississippi Dem. honors fallen football star on House floor
Killing Minimum Wage Jobs (Rep. Michele Bachmann)
Report: Ensign chief of staff to leave
Bayh seems unconvined by Obama’s press conference
Rep. Ryan suggests Dems’ health reforms are un-American
It’s time for the Corps to make the right decision on New Orleans flood control (Sen. David Vitter)
Conservative Party bristles at GOP nominee in NY special
More delays in House on healthcare reform
Palin slams filer of legal fund ethics complaint
N. Korea ridicules Clinton: ‘Schoolgirl,’ ‘funny lady’
President’s Healthcare Lunacy
Report: Two N.J. mayors, assemblyman arrested in corruption probe
Clinton to ‘Meet’ on Sunday
Obama and Boston’s Finest
From The Dallas Morning News — Originally published Thursday, July 23
Insurace should cover routine HIV tests (Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen)
From the Boston Herald — Originally published Thursday, July 23
NRCC grows Patriot program by 15
From the Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times Free Press — Originally published Tuesday, July 21
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
Simmons grows lead to nine over Dodd
Matthew Yglesias
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