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The Hill Articles: July 9, 2009
July 9
Obama looks for shared ground in papal meeting
Hondurans lobby against deposed leader
Sen. Ensign’s parents gave $96K to mistress’s family
Issa wants lie detector tests for CIA briefings
Vulnerable GOPs want Palin to stay home
GOP eyes future on Sotomayor
New York Democrats torn over Senate race
Band of House centrists offers support for ‘robust’ public health insurance plan
Groups push against cap-and-trade attacks
The sun won’t set on solar
Little help from G-8
Chemical industry about-face welcome but 30 years too late
House overwhelmingly rejects signing statement
Weyant’s World: July 10, 2009
Ethics committee, watchdogs meet over rule change
Sen. Burris will not seek reelection
Hurston’s hushpuppies
What’s on your nightstand: Rep. John Boozman (R-Ark.)
Book offers new picture of Kennedy
Ted Kennedy bio leaves fans wanting more
Under fire, ‘debt settlement firms’ turn to K Street
Powell and the crocodile
Voters like a steady hand
Republicans bring in familiar faces for House races in 2010
Sarkozy: G8 giving Iran a chance until Pittsburgh
Specter strikes back, calls Sestak a ‘flagrant hypocrite’
Senator tweets for first time in over a month
Vitter claims GOP can block ‘any’ climate change bill
Capitol Police arrest man for disturbance, find marijuana
A (Very) Public Embarrassment to the Nation’s Capital
Perry raises $4.2M in 9 days for Texas Gov. reelect
Gingrich takes stimulus jab at the ‘San Francisco mouse’
Franken sits down with Sotomayor
Numerous arrests in two Capitol incidents
Obama shakes hands with Qadaffi
RNC establishes Twitter feed to track Sotomayor confirmation
Poll: GOP leads Dems on key issues
McCaskill to colleagues: Get on Twitter!
McCaskill to colleagues: Get on Twitter!
Ensign’s parents gave mistress’s family $96,000
Murtha open to spending more on F-22
Dems bring stimulus counteroffensive to Twitter
Senate to wait on climate bill till after break
Biden guarantees an end to economic crisis
Menendez takes ‘most beautiful’ lobbying to Twitter
Murtha considers more F-22 funds despite veto threat
Congressman worried about permanent bailouts for banks
Issa proposes polygraphs for CIA-briefed lawmakers
Don’t Kill the Cure
Boehner excoriates stimulus funds directed at government website
More spelling errors plague Obama releases
The IPCC: the intersection of your tax dollars, questionable science, and an international organization in need of reform (Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer)
The continuing struggle against bad spending habits (Sen. Claire McCaskill)
Boehner: White House stimulus claims were ‘nonsense’
So much for transparency (Rep. Frank Wolf)
Iowa GOP courting Palin for fundraiser
Freshman Dem decries GOP ‘delay tactics’ on healthcare
Rep. Mack introduces bill slamming Honduras’s Zelaya
Cantor: There is ‘no way to defend’ stimulus
Immigration reform beyond border wall is needed (Rep. Jared Polis)
Va. GOP gubernatiorial candidate distances self from Palin
Senate punts ‘cap and trade’ until after recess
Firefighters to testify about Sotomayor
Crist raises $4.3 million in second quarter
Poll: Perry up 12 on Hutchison in Texas Gov. primary
Republicans Say Yes to Recruitment; Dems the New ‘Party of No’
Ensign, lover’s husband offer differing tales of affair
Lieberman doesn’t feel safe in federal buildings after report
Pelosi unaware of Dem letter on CIA lies
DNC uses ‘Urban Dictionary’ to knock Palin
Bono Mack challenger raises $200K
Vitter: MoveOn is targeting me
Pelosi not thrilled about Michael Jackson resolution
Political newcomer to take on Steve Kagen
Pelosi steers clear of CIA accusations
Toomey looking at a primary challenge?
Poll shows Coleman trailing in Minn. GOV race
Poll: Is Corzine making up ground on Christie?
Honduras: A Friend in Need
Ros-Lehtinen: Diplomatic org. wrong on Honduras
Bill to undo key part of GM and Chrysler deal gains majority in House
President Obama goes to Russia (Rep. Michele Bachmann)
2012 Watch: GOP strategist rips Palin
Hatch to Obama admin: Give back stimulus money
DeMint: U.S. like Germany just before WWII
Hoekstra accuses Dems of playing politics with nat’l security
Gerlach doubts Rendell’s stimulus claims
Intel Dems charge CIA with lies
Dems say Panetta admitted misleading Congress
Eliminating tax breaks for pharmaceutical company advertising (Rep. Dan Lipinski)
Regulatory process for issuing nuclear plant licenses must become more predictable, efficient (Sen. James Inhofe)
Campaign Update: Childers opponent, Penry for GOV?
Waxman backs off claim about GOP ‘rooting against’ U.S.
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