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The Hill Articles: June 1, 2009
June 1
White House touts economic boost from healthcare reform
Financial industry outreach as regulation looms
Democrats clear decks for healthcare
Obama says he will not manage GM
Lawmakers feel the ax falling on their districts
For Kratovil, there’s more to life than Congress
Romney blasts Obama’s global ‘tour of apology’
Dems make recess push over energy, healthcare agenda
Lawmakers struggle to pay for new transportation bill
Caribbean trip under scrutiny by House panel
Timing is everything
Pay-to-play laws waste taxes, breach 1st Amendment rights
Ind. Rep. Visclosky seat looks safe
Coburn to run for reelection
$2T in healthcare savings? GOP not buying it
At a time U.S. needs more safety, the president’s budget offers less
Cirque du Sotomayor
State senator adds to Moran field
Sessions: Sotomayor vote by recess doubtful
Building a better list
Congress returns to full plate
From the District to Washington
Give military families the support that they have so honorably earned
Bottom Line
A family in life after death
Craft beer makes a comeback in Washington
Sotomayor domain name on sale for $5K
American Dream judge
Injustice against whites
Weyant’s World: June 1, 2009
Baucus to meet with single-payer advocates
Health care reform can’t afford to wait (Sen. Max Baucus)
Sotomayor nomination officially sent to the Senate
Sotomayor’s Tuesday schedule on Capitol Hill
Young says EFCA preserves secret ballot
Turning Campaign Promises into Policy
Library of Congress taunts hungry Washingtonians
Full coverage: Sonia Sotomayor
Chutzpah and cheaters partner to keep American tire workers unemployed
Wall St. the big loser in GM deal, GOP lawmaker laments
Law will improve weapon acquisitions
Tackling cost overruns and delays
Obama’s cut to Super Hornet threatens nation, jobs
How GOP can reclaim its position as the party Americans trust on security
Video: TMZ confronts Cheney
Healthcare groups detail cost-containment
We hope it wasn’t his tweeting finger…
Sebelius should rescind conscience protection regulation (Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner)
Chinese audience laughs at Geithner
Althouse’s paradox
Palin on Tiller murder
Ensign’s radio interview
Senate GOP focuses on Sotomayor, healthcare
Cheney mixes up Obama, Osama
Most anti-abortion rights groups condemn Tiller murder
Carter: Obama should have released photos
GM, Chrysler execs to Capitol Hill on Wednesday
Romney blasts Obama’s ‘tour of apology’
Do As I Say, Not As I Do
ABC’s ‘World News’ to broadcast from Chevy dealership
ABC’s ‘World News’ to broadcast from Chevy dealership
That Queasy Feeling
Hatch on ’empathy’
GM announces list of plant closures
Sotomayor to meet Leahy tomorrow
Coming to an Xbox near you: Escape from Gitmo
From The Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel — Originally published Sunday, May 31
GOP-er says Facebook spokeswoman ‘full of s–t’
Limbaugh not biting on Obama’s date night
Throw out illegal leases for Arctic Ocean offshore drilling
From the Houston Chronicle — Originally published Monday, June 1
Taxpayers are victims of continued government charge card abuse
Steele: Obama now president and CEO of GM
Additional infection delays Byrd’s release from hospital
Obama: U.S. ‘reluctant shareholders’ in GM
GM CEO to Americans: ‘Give us another chance’
Rational Self-Interest, Irrational Self-Deceit
California high court perpetuated license problem in Prop. 8 decision
U.S. has responsibility to help GM, Obama says
Pelosi: Tiller murder ‘horrific’
Claire McCaskill, sports fan
The Fight Continues (Sen. Tom Coburn)
Lawmaker demands Obama reverse GM decision on plant closure
Coburn will run for re-election
McCaskill heads out to the ballpark
VIDEO: RNC on ‘Government Motors’
Sen. Coburn to run for another term
Regulators should use emergency powers to stop oil speculation (Sen. Bernie Sanders)
Granholm: GM would’ve liquidated without U.S. support
Dow Jones boots GM
JEC report reveals recession’s devastating impact on working mothers (Rep. Carolyn Maloney)
Capitol Hill Agenda: June 1, 2009
Davis officially announces on Twitter
Mich. lawmaker: GM bankruptcy means ‘buy American’
DCCC targets 6 Republicans with radio ads
Sotomayor meets with White House team Monday
RNC, Chamber rail against GM plan
UAW Chief: ‘We have stepped up to the plate’
Gates: N. Korea prepping another missile
Tiller murder may re-spark DHS debate
Climate change bill’s #ACES in the hole
Poll: GOP dominated by white conservatives
Chamber worries gov’t may unduly influence GM
Sotomayor’s clerks lobby Senate leadership
Consumer confidence on the rise
Peters applauds Chrysler-Fiat sale
G.M. files for Chapter 11
Drudge Report
The Huffington Post
The Daily Beast
The Corner
The Plank
SCOTUS nominee to meet and greet at Capitol
Obama challenged in landmark address
Hot Air
Power Line
Daily Kos
Red State
Safe or Free
Bailing Out Japan
Sotomayor: Great Judge, Strict Constructionist
The Library of Congress Blog
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