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The Hill Articles: June 15, 2009
June 15
Obama’s counterattack on healthcare
Issa seeks documents on VIP mortgage deals
In reversal, GOP balks at war funding
CBO: Healthcare bill exceeds $1 trillion
Boehner torn over choice for top GOP education post
Obama ‘deeply troubled’ by violence in Iran
Lawyers’ complaints spur lobbying guidance review
Special Report: Cap and Trade
Minding their business, for now
Pentagon looking for more savings after Orszag request
Bottom Line
RNC poised to begin altering its primary calendar for 2012
Blue Dogs add another member
Bocce buddies
Don’t interrupt Barney Frank
Seeking supplemental
Homebuilders’ commitment to energy-efficient practices
Iran rings the bell
Wal-Mart’s eye on healthcare
Steelman backs off Senate primary vs. Blunt, turns focus to House seat
ACES Act lays solid foundation for nation’s clean-energy future
Democrats’ Cap and Tax rush job: all economic pain, no climate gain
Poorest Americans, contributing least to climate change, will not be hurt by legislation to rectify
Swinging for the fences: Obama’s trillion-dollar healthcare gamble
High-powered green fuel for nation’s built environment
Rural America’s vital energy role
LGBT takes Obama to task over gay rights issues
Coy Kirk hints at ‘big campaign’
Reid to Obama: Keep your sights set on Iran
McMorris Rodgers makes Education & Labor bid official
Obama uses OFA list for Deeds
Weyant’s World: June 16, 2009
Cantor faces off with White House over Iran
Lugar gives Obama an ‘A’ on foreign policy
Guedry gears up for a run against Titus
GOP’s better alternative to Waxman-Markey bill
Panetta Apologizes to Pelosi by Slamming Cheney
How Does the President Define Saving Jobs?
Rohrabacher: ‘Now’s the time for a regime change’ in Iran
Byrd begins physical therapy, not back this week
Rohrabacher: ‘Now’s the time for a regime change’ in Iran
Rick Perry starts a movement
Cantor slams Obama for ‘silence’ on Iranian election
GOP lash out at Obama’s health bill, unveil own
AP: Iran protester killed
NY state Senate deadlocked after defector Dem switches back
Prevention efforts touted in President’s AMA speech are part of the “Affordable Health Choices Act” (Sen. Tom Harkin)
Report: House Dems want to expand CIA briefings
Danforth says he’s backing Blunt to avoid primary
GOP rolls out healthcare legislation
State Dep’t: ‘We do have doubts about the election results’
Follow @persiankiwi for on the ground reporting in Iran
Follow @persiankiwi for on the ground reporting in Iran
Obama wants to ‘explore’ malpractice reform
Obama makes hard sell to doctors
The Palestinian Youth Portal
Court refuses to hear border fence case
Geithner warns against ‘complacency’ on economy
Cheney hopes CIA director was misquoted
Nelson ‘panhandles’ against offshore drilling
Price frames GOP response to Obama healthcare speech
Gibbs: Many factors give White House concern on Iran
Kanjorski demands update from SEC on Madoff investigation
Vitter: Focus on Sotomayor’s economic positions
A governor in the bunch?
Kerry’s big-screen future in hands of FEC
McCain demands Panetta retract comments about Cheney
Poll: ‘Conservatives’ on the rise
IMF forecasts U.S. economic recovery in mid-2010
Klein, Wasserman Schultz choose Meek
Small exporters keep America competitive (Sen. Mary Landrieu)
Renewable electricity standard
Titus challenger emerges
McCain gets a Ford
Toomey raises $1 million in 60 days
Daschle: Tort reform part of formula in healthcare deal
Twittering the Iranian election aftermath
Will Obama trade malpractice reform for public option?
Obama’s financial reform principles
VIDEO: AUC up with healthcare ad
We need a government ownership exit strategy (Sen. John Thune)
American Entrepreneurship
From The Seattle Times — Originally published Monday, June 15
From the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch — Originally published Monday, June 15
Campaign update: Vitter, Massa, Blunt … Norris!?
Pinning Extremism
Does Rick Perry’s Dog Hunt?
Sotomayor is No Reverse Racist
Huffington Post
Drudge Report
GOP committee race down to McMorris Rodgers, Kline
Israel lobby swings into action over ‘road map’
Geithner to defend economic measures at hearings
Weekly Standard
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