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The Hill Articles: March 17, 2009
March 17
Fury over AIG fuels clawback bills
Specter won’t rule out run as an Independent
Obama axes GOP in new budget push
AIG staff: We deserve this money
Flake won’t give up on PMA
I want to be governor
New Culberson aide: Working for Cheney isn’t as tough as baling hay on family farm
David Sours
Alliant Techsystems targets perfect as enemy of the good
Lawmakers consider super-regulator post for financial industry
K Street in Brief
Emanuel plans to meet with veterans’ groups
Monsters, aliens, meteors and AIG
Reassured by Obama’s hint of big spending on schools
Lobbying World
Obama’s quandary
Special Report: Neighborhood Series: Penn Quarter
GOP Takes Lead in Generic Ballot
Weyant’s World: March 18, 2009
Jump ship, Specter
Obama feels heat in polls
Steele symbolism falling short
Lessons from battle of basic cable
Obama’s picks and GOP angst are creating a primary boom
Obama’s Good Cop/Bad Cop Routine
Cuomo: 73 AIG employees received bonuses of $1M
Emanuel to meet with veterans groups
From sexy to sports, raising the bar
The best brunches around come in all sizes and varieties
Restaurant ABCs
Lawmakers place blame elsewhere for AIG bonuses
White House hammered on AIG bonuses
Penn Quarter notables
‘Stuff of life”
Be a tourist
Shakespeare Theatre
Announcements – March 18, 2009
The Big Question for March 17th: Bonus Naïveté in Congress?
Some New Ideas Regarding the Afghanistan Situation
Weyant’s World: March 17, 2009
Obama, Hispanic Dems to huddle on immigration
Restoring Confidence in our Financial Markets (Sen. Ted Kaufman)
Members want Obama to mull Afghanistan
RNC drops another $100K into NY-20
Ron Silver: Bringing left and right together
Summers: Obama will keep taxes on wealthy lower than Clinton did (Video)
Steele and Rush who? The McCain catfight continues
Hagel: Russia would be willing to work with U.S. on Iran
Lawmaker suggests AIG execs be thrown into military jails
The Bare Facts
Dems propose tax hike as AIG punishment
Boehner wants more to protect bailout funds
Obama says top o’ the mornin’ to St. Paddy’s
Shorting Al Gore; Going Long on Sarah Palin and Gen. Petraeus
Hoekstra among GOP leaders for 2010 Mich. Gov. race
Bunning on Bernanke’s ’60 Minutes’ sit-down: ‘Ugggghh’
Rasmussen: Most oppose making it easier to unionize
The great Twitterview begins!
Lines of communication crossed over Palin keynote
Corbett files for Pa. gov
Obama laments he’ll miss Chicago’s St. Patrick’s Day parade
Recklessness and Greed
Letterman offers advice to GOP before Leno sits with Obama
Answer to AIG Bonuses: Just Say No!
We’re not AIG, says GM’s chief exec
Obama challenges critics to whip up better budget
Ginsburg to undergo chemo
Home Builders CEO survives policy dispute
Grassley follows up: AIG execs shouldn’t kill themselves, but at least take responsibility
Down Syndrome Advocacy
Poll: Majority support EFCA-like law
A Presidential 180 on Taxing Health Benefits (Rep. Michelle Bachmann)
Obama nominates Steelers owner Rooney as ambassador to Ireland
Steele’s Contradictions Continue to Hurt GOP
Is Palin not coming to D.C. after all?
Sanford pushes back on use of stimulus, asks that DNC ads be taken down
Obama approval sky high, congressional approval slides
From the Newark, N.J. Star-Ledger — Originally published Tuesday, March 17
Grassley: AIG execs should follow the Japanese model
‘Man-Caused Disasters’
AIG: A Wrinkle in Obama’s Agenda
Huffington Post
St. Patrick’s Day, 2009
The Daily Beast
Drudge Report
The Minority Report
The Corner
Daily Kos
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